Chp.37 Fighting The Boss/King Crimson

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As we left off, Bruno has figured out something twisted, knowing that all this time the boss has done for them, was nothing but mind games and betrayal to Bruno and his gang, all this time the boss wanted to have his daughter, and keep his identity in secret still, and to hurt and kill Trish just for that...

Bruno: Unacceptable! Now our boss...the boss so wretch that he makes me wanna puke! Abusing the weak and innocent means to an end! Profiting from the pain and suffering from countless citizens! Coward! How can you do this to your own daughter?! You fiendish monster! You're nothing but a disgrace, and letting me down again! And now you've done it for the last time!!!

Bruno summons Sticky Fingers as it yet creates a zipper on the floor, opens it and can see the boss sliding down to the bottom of the floor, carrying Trish, she's still alive, and yet this is a perfect chance for Bruno to drop the beacon at him for Giorna to track down the boss through the computer...Bruno drops the beacon as soon the beacon lands on the boss's back...

Bruno: Good, it's stuck. Merda, I didn't get to see his face, but now it doesn't matter. After what you have done to poor Trish, you die! You think I'm absolute loyal you?! We'll screw you!

Bruno soon exits the elevator and set slides down with a zipper and lands to the he did, he saw a trace of blood leading towards a small cabinet, he opens the cabinet and yet to see a huge hole, and that hole leads downstairs of the building....

Bruno: I see now, the bastard would hide himself in a crypt of church. He thinks he can murder Trish in complete anonymity. Well not in my watch! Mama Bruno will not let that happen!! *...Oh shit. I do start acting like a! Focus Bruno! Right now you have to save Trish!*

Bruno soon enters the whole as he yet quickly hides on top of a pillar, and waits for the boss to arrive, and yet he heard he takes a peak and yet to see the boss, holding his daughter in arms coming downstairs...

Bruno Mind: In position....Now!!!

But before Bruno even charges at the boss...he then heard him speaking saying...

Boss: Leave while your still able to...Bucciarati.

Bruno Mind: What?!? Wh-What the?! How does he know I'm here?!?

Boss: Step out from that pillar, or lose the process of your life.

Bruno: N-Nrrrgh!!! Go, Sticky Fingers!!!

As Soon Bruno came out from the pillar with Sticky Fingers, he notices the Boss vanished and leaving Trish on the ground and suddenly...something grabbed Sticky Fingers whole arm and yet trying to rip it off...

Bruno: Th-The fuck?!? It's gonna rip my arm off!

Sticky Fingers uses his other hand to punch the pillar and made several zippers to see who it was...and yet no one was that garbed his arm, it vanished, just like the boss...Bruno soon lands on the ground and quickly goes over to Trish..

Bruno: Somehow he knows I'm here, but deviates to hide in the shadows again. I need to find his weakness and now!

Bruno's uses Sticky Finger's zipper to connected Trish hand back...and soon he hears the boss voice echoing through the shadows...

Boss: Your rationale intrigues me. Just what we're you thinking? I had a great respectful feeling towards you on your excellency and devotions. Was it your judgment by your promotion of being Capo?! Or did your hubor seduce you to think you have the power to overtake me?

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