Chp.2 Enter Bruno Bucciarati

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Okay, so let's take a quick recap and show you guys what made Koichi come to Italy and search for Haruna Shiobana, which is Giorna Giovanna of course. So back at Morioh, Jocelyn came back for a quick visit, bringing her daughter Jolyne, for her to spend time with her auntie and uncle, Josie and Josie's partner. While she wanted to have a little talk with Koichi, giving her some information for him to do a little objective for Jocelyn, head over to Italy and look for Haruna Shiobana...

Koichi: So, you want me to get a skin sample from this girl?

Jocelyn: That's right. Send it to me as soon as it's secured. The SpeedWagon Foundation will examine her genetic make up.

Koichi: Her DNA?? Mrs.Jocelyn, What's so special about her?

Jocelyn: Let's just say that her dead father was unique. Hence the analysis. I don't need much to begin with, but an epidermal sample will be fine. That's the run down.

Koichi: Hmm. I see.

Jocelyn: Don't worry. I'll cover your travel expenses.

Koichi: What?! Covering them all?? Hmmm. That's sort of eerie. Say, about this kid, not to sound weird but she beats a really strong resemblance to you.

Jocelyn: Hmm.


Koichi: Hmm. The address written on this photo should be around here somewhere.

Suddenly, he then arrive in a restaurant, and then sees three teenage boys surrounding someone sitting down at the table...

Boy #1: You should come and have a drink with me! I promise I'll behave really good with you.

Boy#3: Nah! You should come have a drink and something to eat with me!

Boy #2: No me! I'll even pay your meals if you come hang out with me!

???: I would love to, but I don't have the time. So why don't you three boys go away and leave me be.

The boys agreed and listen to her as they left, saying bye to whoever they were talking to...but as soon they left...Koichi finds out that the girl the boys were talking to was Giorna Giovanna as she seem to be counting money...

Koichi: I-It's her!!!

Koichi then rushes at the table and scares off Giorna as she got startled from him...

Giorna: H-Huh?!! You again!? How did you-

Koichi: I finally found you, lousy crook! That's my money you got! Now where is my stuff, and where is my passport!?!

Giorna: Hm. It really pains me to tell you this, but your stuff is gone, they sold it. Sorry amico, now you know, so stop chasing me.

As Giorna was about to make a run for again, her hand suddenly started to froze and yet dropping towards to the table, making her hand feel heavy, which this was coming from Koichi's Echoes Act 3...

Koichi: You're not getting away this time!

Giorna: *Huh?? What's weighing down my hand?? Hey wait! So earlier, this felt like before, so it wasn't the car be malfunctioning?!* This stranger...could he have the same kind of power like me??

Koichi: W-What?? Hang on, what did you say?

Giorna: Gold Experience!

Giorna: Gold Experience!

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Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now