Chp.59 Chasing After Diavolo

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King Crimson: My dear Trish, you really reveal your stand to your friends and not before me? How very disappointed I am.

Bruno (Doppio): Motherfucker!!! You let her go right this second now!!!!!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Release her at once!!!

Both tried rushing at King Crimson/Diavolo, but soon King Crimson stabbed his fingers towards Trish's neck...

King Crimson: *chuckles* As long as your stand I in my grasp, I fear you're more than my little puppet.

Soon Fugo and Mista got up and helps out Bucciarati and Doppio....

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Eveyeone! Brace yourself! He's gonna-

Time skipped...and yet Mista (Diavolo/Trish) began to run away...

Turtle Polnareff: He's running away?!

Trish (Mista): Did he forget to murder us first?!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Most likely we aren't on his list yet, he's going after the arrows! Mista, shoot him! He can't allow to get them!

All fo the sudden...Mista yet to seem to sweat and pant...

Bruno (Doppio): What the fuck are you waiting for?!! Don't let the bastard get away with my daughter! Pull the damn trigger!!!

Trish (Mista): I-I know okay!! Th-The thing is...I already shot my bullets...

(YN) (Fugo): Wh-What?! You did!?

Trish (Mista): Y-Yeah, I did...all 6 of them...but somehow I bet the bastard is dodging them with his time skip!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): Nrgh!! After him!! It's all over if he gets the arrow!

Bucciarati, Doppio, Fugo and Mista soon started going after Diavolo, who is in Mista's body and yet to have Trish captured as well...soon they all were almost to catch up at Diavolo...until suddenly, King Crimson appears and yet strikes something behind Chariot Requiem, and yet Chariot somehow suffered a blow and it's body melted...

Bruno (Doppio): Wh-What happen?! Polnareff's stand suddenly is melting?!

Diavolo (Bucciarati): It's somehow like he suffered a blow! Just what ah did that bastard do?!

With Requiem melting and suffered a blow, King Crimson soon grabs the arrows that Chariot dropped in his hands...

King Crimson: Finally, I have the arrows in grasp! Victor is mine!

Meanwhile, Back at Giorna and (YN), Giorna soon attaches (YN)'s arm back with Golden Experience...

Fugo (YN): Th-Thanks Giorna, Damn that shit gutted, that bastard will-

Giorna: Why?!

Fugo (YN): E-Eh???

Giorna: Wh-Why the hell did you do something stupid like that?!?

Fugo (YN): G-Giorna..??

Girona: He would have chopped off more than just your arm, he would have killed you!!!

Giorna started to get emotional, knowing that she was scared that (YN) would have been killed if Diavolo have chopped off more than his arm...

Giorna: D-Don't do that! You scared the shit out of me! Seeing you getting hurt...makes me...makes me sorrow! Back at the city of Rome, you almost died! And if...if you have back there..I-I wouldn't be the same...! Not even right now! Everything you have done for me since the day we've got me in this weird feeling, you had my back, you sacrificed your life in order to save me against the enemies!And I don't know why...b-but all I'm saying is..please, don't ever die on me (YN)! I want you alive, forever! I want you...with me!

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