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As we left off, Prosciutto ended up shooting five bulkiest towards Mista's head, causing him to "die" and leaving him there as him and Pesci go over to the driver's cab and look for they were gone...Mista's body was on the ground...until suddenly...there was crying and suddenly the three bullest that Mista receive on his head were out from it...and the crying and whining came from number 5, as he seems to the the only remaining stand to be in his youthful age..and yet crying for Mista...

#5: Waaaaah!! Miiiiistaaaaa! Please get up! This is all the ice I have with me, but please get up for me!

And yet...with such luck..Mista was breathing and perfectly alive...

Mista: H-Heheh..I-I don't know what to thank...the nature of luck that has gave me...o-or the fact I'm just that freakin lucky....that he only put three bullets on me...a-and not four...hehehe *coughs* luckily I put that ice if picked up earlier and put it on my h-hat...#5...I-it seems you were able to reverse the aging...thank you for stopping those bullets from me...b-but there's one more request I want you to do for me-

#5: If you want me to go and get Bucciarati and the others, #6 has already gone over there ! I was able to heal him up with this ice!

Mista: Th-That's perfect...g-good work....#5...

Suddenly...a zipper somehow appeared...and yet with luck...(YN) appeared out from it from Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers....

#5: (Y-YYNN)!!!

(YN): #5! M-Mista!!!

(YN) rushes down as he checks up on Mista...

(YN): Mista! Hey! Speak to me amico! Say something damn it!

Mista: (Y-YN)...h-how the-

(YN): Oh thank goodness you're alive...don't worry about it, Bruno and I got out from the turtle, but only using Sticky Finger's zipper without letting them enemy know...

Mista: Y-Yeah..I-I would say...two...

(YN): Two?? Wait, there's two enemies here??! Merda. Hang on Mista, I'm taking you back.

Mista: Wh-What about B-Bucciarati?!

(YN): Don't worry about him...I think he's found the enemies alter by now. Come on, let's go #5.

#5: O-Okay....

(YN) soon was carrying Mista on his arms as he takes him back to the Turtle. Meanwhile, at the drivers cab, Pesci and Prosciutto soon found something in the cab...and what they found was the turtle...

Pesci: B-Big bro! Look! It's a turtle!! A-And there's someone inside that key?!?

Prosciutto: Huh??! ...Oh, hehe, well what do you know, we've found Trish and the others, now we know where they're hiding. Good work Pesci, and now we can-

Pesci: B-Bug bro wait!

Prosciutto: Huh?!? What is it now, idiot?!?

Pesci: Th-There's two people missing from the group! I-It's Bucciarati and (YN)! Yeah! Their missing!

Prosciutto: Who cares?! Our only target is getting Trish only! Grateful Dead-

Suddenly, above the ceiling, Bucciarati's uses Sticky Fingers to grab Grateful Dead's arm from getting to the turtle and stopping him...

Pesci: Big bro!!! Above you!

Prosciutto: What?!?

Bruno: You're pretty intuitive...and fast too.

Soon, #6 was alongside with Bruno...

Bruno: #6, the man with the black jacket is the one I must drafted, right?!

#6: Yeah! That's right! If you do, everyone's aging will go revers back to their normal selfs!

Prosciutto Mind: Wh-What?!? How is Mista's stand alive and doing here?!? I just killed the bastard with three bullets down his brain!  Damn it!!!

#6: Look out Bucciarati'! Don't let his stand touch you! You'll age faster! Get him!

Bucciarati lands on the ground as Prosciutto backs away and uses Grateful Dead to throw rapid punches with one arm towards Sticky Fingers, Sticky Fingers was able toddle them punches with an ease as it rushes towards Grateful Dead and started throwing rapid barrage punches towards Grateful Dead and Prosciutto as Prosciutto tried his best to use his stand to block them all...

Prosciutto: H-He's too quick!

Pesci: Big Brooooo!!!

Prosciutto: D-Don't worry about me! G-Go and kill the rest of his crew in the turtle! Hurry it up now!

Pesci: O-Okay!!

Bruno: No!

Suddenly, the doors busted down as luckily (YN) came in time, and uses his Hamon against Pesci...

(YN): Wave Kick!!

(YN) soon strikes a kick towards Pesci's face, and hits his head towards the glass window and knocking him out...

Prosciutto: No!

Bruno then uses Sticky Fingers as it then strikes a brutal punch towards Prosciutto's gut and sending him crashing towards a wall...after that, Bruno realizes (YN) holding Mista on his arms...

Bruno: M-Mista!!

(YN): Don't worry. He's fine, he just needs to get these wounds heal up quickly.

Bruno: ...Right, then go right ahead. Go back in the turtle, I'll deal with these bastardo's.

(YN): Right!

(YN) soon gets closer to the turtle and goes inside as he yet suddenly started falling and yet lands through the table...

(YN): F-Fuck! That hurted...o-okay!

He soon got up, and yet puts Mista on the couch, and soon he looks for a aid-kit, and yet he does, as he soon starts healing Mista's wounds up quickly...after that, he was done...and yet Mista was still breathing...but still old...soon, he yet leaves him with Fugo and Abbacchio to rest as he yet walks over to Giorna and Trish and sits down between them....he soon suddenly was starting to get worried about Giorna as he yet wraps his arm around her and hugs her and yet he puts Trish closer to him as Trish's head was on top of (YN)'s laps...and soon taking care of them....
Back with Bruno he soon was aging faster and Prosciutto soon was able to stand on his feet after the punch he got...

Prosciutto: H-Ha! Seems like Grateful Dead is making you age faster now!

Bruno: M-Merda!

Bruno uses Sticky Fingers to rush at Prosciutto, but he seem to be slow as Grateful Dead deflect the punch as Sticky Fingers punch hit straight to the ground and towards the wall...soon Grateful Dead grabbed onto Sticky Fingers and Bruno...

Prosciutto: Ha! Got you now Bucciarati! Once I'm finished with you, I'll go back and kill your rest of your crew and take the boss's daughter for good! Hahaha!!!

Bruno: ...Say what you want, but I will complete my mission, I'll protect Trish, and I'll protect my friends. That's what it takes to be a Capo, and if you don't know...I wasn't aiming for you to punch.

Prosciutto: Wh-Wha?!

Suddenly, Prosciutto notices a huge Zipper around him, which will cause the wall to open and will make him fall out of the train...

Prosciutto: O-Oh shit!!! Not good!!!!

Bruno: I got you know, bastardo!


Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now