Chp.17 Salé: Kraft Work/Six Bullets Pt.2

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And so, (YN) was riding on the motor bike to go and catch up on Mista and the enemy as he told Giorna to stay and wait for the others to arrive at Capri...meanwhile, at the truck, Mista was holding onto the handle as he yet sees inside the truck and witness to see the driver, shaking in fear while driving the truck...

Mista: Die!

Mista pointed the gun at the driver, but then again, he pointed at somewhere else and suddenly shot the actual enemy straight to his forehead as blood burst out from the enemy's head and falling down on top of the truck...

Mista: Heh, seems like the driver is the real owner of the truck, knowing his legs aren't shot at. Alright you bastard, I wasn't gonna off you, but now.

Suddenly, knowing that the enemy, Salè is his name, woke up and started to feel the pain from the bullet he has on his forehead...

Salé: D-Damn it! That hurst! Screw you Thats tierce you've shot me psycho!

Mista: Hey! Quit squirming or I'll have you know I'll be known to make sure to take better aim! *Jeez what kind of lame ass line was that?! What I should of said is "How are you not a pile of sausage meat, I shot your ugly ass mug square on!" Is it possible that the bullet miss his brain somehow?!*

Salé: You know Mista, that last shot of effort of yours was quite enduring. I mean Mista is your name, isn't it? Help me out with something, it'll seem that even your friends are on this beautiful site of this island to view the sites as well. But only you...gazed upon my visit. Is it that right?!

Mista soon shot three more bullets at Salé, but soon he yet quickly summons his stand, Kraft Work, to deflect those three bullets from him being hit...

Salé: You know, you filled me with that radio booby-trap, and you even nailed me with two cheap shots. But now that we are face to face, and I'm armed with my stand, Kraft Works, I can knock down every billet you fire. By the way, o can say I was paying attention back there, so I'm have shot 4 bullets at this truck, and 2 back at the shack.

Mista pulls the trigger of his gun...and soon he was out of ammo...

Mista: !!?

Salé: Hehe! Now I can get in nice and closer to beat the shit out of you nice and steady.

Mista: *Shit! I'm out of ammo! Gotta reload!*

But as soon Mista was gonna reload, he suddenly realize his right hand stuck to the handle of the pole and doesn't let go at all..

Mista: The fuck?! What's up with my hand!? It's stuck to the handle! Hey driver! Hit the brakes!

Driver: I-I would love to, but I need some help over here! Seriously, I do! It's out of control! I can't stop the brakes nor move the wheel!

Mista: What?!

Salé: Now let's see, why do you think I'd go to the trouble of telling you that you were out of ammo? Out of the goodness of my heart? Hehe, no Mista, it was beacsue so you can crash and burn with this truck! Your driver can't let go of the gas and his hands won't let go either of the wheel, I'm only telling you all is because you can't reload with that hand of yours stuck to the handle, right?

Suddenly, Mista notices his three bullets he shot at Salé, floating and not yet to be moving...

Mista: *Those we're the bullets I shot at him and his stand deflect it! They're frozen in mid air, like some suspended animation, moving in tandem with the truck! So...that's his game, he just have immobilized the bullets with his power! That's how he cemented me in the driver to his truck! He stand ability lets him freeze objects in the exact place he touches them! That's why my bullet never made a pass through his forehead! Of course the surface wound wouldn't finish him off!

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now