Chp.4 Giorna Giovanna Has A Dream

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Bruno: Why didn't you kill me?! Why you stopped!?!

Giorna: Hmmm.'s because you have a good soul.

Bruno: H-Huh??

Giorna: You're in the mafia, but you're decent. Earlier, you went to attack me but hesitated a bit. That's when I realize I had to stop my attack. When you looked over to the arm you stole from this boy, the abnormal of his skin caught you off guard. Which made you freeze up for a moment. You didn't expect to see the arm of a man addict and it shocked you, and didn't care how old he is.

Giorna checks the wallet from the boy...

Giorna: Just 13 years...You see the thing is, an ordinary mafioso would have been impeded. If you were that type, I would have been already on the ground with these stones by now. You're different from the goons. Once I saw that, I can see the need of us fighting. Some here will even lead seeking drugs to kids. Totally unforgivable, right? I know that's how you feel too.

Bruno: ....

Giorna: But you really got a big problem. Cause your boss is the peddler, the truth has split you down in the middle. That's why the arm decided to pain you. You have a chivalrous.

Bruno: Tch. What does my heart have to do with anything?! Chivalrous or otherwise I'll have to still kill you! My mission is to track down the one who's responsible for Luca's death and kill the person like the dog! And you didn't had the stomach to kill me. But don't expect to show that weakness!

Giorna: No, trust me, you just don't have it in you to take my life.

Bruno: C-Come again??!

Giorna: You won't kill me. I'm sure of it.

Bruno: ...How do you know?

Giorna:'re going to be joining me on my mission.

Bruno: H-Huh??!

Giorna: You see...I'm planning to beat your boss, and take back this city for the people.

Bruno: Wh-What?!

Giorna: Yes, my dream is to get rid of this city filled with drug dealing and child abusing mafia. I have no other choice but to become a mafioso myself.

Bruno: Wh-What are you trying to say?!? Surely your mission doesn't involve joking the syndicate! It's absurd! Do you have any idea what you're even saying!?!

Giorna was looking at the view...

Giorna: *Isn't it beautiful.* But yeah, it's risky. To take back the city, I have join the syndicate that controls it, work my way through the top. me, I'll become a prima mafiosa.

Soon, a soccer ball accidentally hits Bruno behind, soon he turns around and passes the ball to the kids as they thanked him, soon he then replies to Giorna...

Bruno: Very well then. I'll report that I was unable to locate Luca's attacker. Then I'll introduce you to begin the initiation process, but you should know, if it ever gets out that you're attempting to take down the boss, I'll be force to cut ties with you, a traitors stands alone on a island of isolation. Your failure will be yours and yours alone, got it?

Giorna: Got it.

Bruno: Heh, nothing certain yet, but your resolve is undeniable, I respect that kind of ability, and I commend your golden aspirations. You have my support, Giorna Giovanna.

Giorna smiles...

Giorna: Well, shall we get going then?

Bruno: Right.

And so, Bruno takes Giorna to began her missions and help her out: to beat the boss and take his spot...but then again...that wasn't only Giorna's dream to do so...cause she also had another dream...and that dream...was for someone to be with on her side and always...and who could that be?


Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now