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-AUTHOR POV- let's go back to the shore and take a look at before the incident happen with the boss and his stand revealing itself and power. So at the shore, Giorna, (YN), Mista, Narancia, Abbacchio and Fugo were on the boat, waiting for Bruno to come back, as Giorna was on the computer tracking down the boss once the beacon is on the rest were relaxing and looking at the view...and yet Mista and Narancia arguing over some box of chocolates they've bought....

Mista: Narancia! Haven't you heard sharing with your team member?! Quit being stingy!

Narancia: Why do you quit being a dick! I bought it with my own money!

Fugo: Oh give it a rest you two.

Abbacchio: Greedy bastardos....

(YN): Good Grief...

(YN) soon walks over to Giorna and sits next to her...

(YN): Hey Giorna, what you up to?

Giorna: O-Oh, hey. Well....
Giorna: And that's how I'll be able to track him....down...??

(YN): Oh I see. Heh, don't worry, Bucciarati will be fine.

Giorna: Y-Yeah...*Wh-What the hell??? What just happen?!*

Suddenly...., Giorna felt like time suddenly skip forward for some odd and bizarre reason...

Fugo: Hey (YN), sorry to bother you, but can you pass me a water bottle in the bag? I'm thirsty.

(YN): Yeah sure.

(YN) soon walks over to the boat and goes grabbing a water bottle for Fugo...and yet until suddenly...Narancia notice the whole chocolate box empty and yet Mista holding it...

Narancia: You bastard! You just couldn't help yourself, couldn't you?!

Mista: H-Huh?? How the-

Narancia: Give em back before I starve!!!

Mista: H-Hey Narancia, the hell you have on your mouth??

Narancia then realizes the rest of the  chocolate was in his mouth the whole time as he was happy about it...

Mista: Tch. As if you're playing stupid, since when the hell you had time to stiff them all in your face?? I didn't even see you.

Giorna: ...What the-

Fugo: Oh hey (YN), thanks for the water.

(YN): What??

Fugo: You know, when I asked you for it?

(YN): I mean .... I did remember you telling me that...but I didn't remember giving it to you...or...did I?

Abbacchio: What the hell are you talking about, (YN)?

(YN): Hmmm. I really don't know, just forget about it.

For Giorna, it really was something that's going on...she notices cat paw prints on her and yet the cats were at the end of the shore where the cats weren't use to be there...

Giorna: *Something bizarre is going on here....*
Guys, something is not right here! I don't know what it is, but I need to go and check on Bucciarati!

Giorna soon picks up the computer and yet tries to leave to go look for Bucciarati, but Abbacchio stops her from going....

Abbacchio: Hey idiot, what part of not disembarking an order was confusing to-

Time skips forwards again as Abbacchio suddenly appeared near Giorna....

Abbacchio: ...Y-You...??!

Narancia: Huh?? What the?! Abbacchio, how the hell did you got over there??

Abbacchio: I-I don't know...I don't even know how?!

Giorna: We are in deep trouble! The's not working how it's supposed to be! Merda! Bucciarati!

Abbacchio: Giorna! No! Get back here!

(YN): Giorna!

Abbacchio: (YN), not you too!

(YN): I have to! I cannot let anything bad happen to her either if Bucciarati is in deep shit!

(YN) soon catches up to Giorna...

Giorna: (YN)?!

(YN): I can't leave you alone out here! I gotta make sure you don't end up hurt!

Giorna: R-Right! I'm gonna call Bucciarati!

Giorna soon takes out a phone from her pocket skirt as she calls Bucciarati....

Bruno: Hey Giorna!

Giorna: Bucciarati, don't worry I'm already tracking him down! The broth will tell me exactly where the bastard is, he's ours for good! He's at the bottom stairs of the crypt-no wait! Nows he's at the pillar in 2 meters! Don't engage Bucciarati! I don't know why, but something is wrong out here and-


Soon the phone call hangs up itself....soon both Giorna and (YN) rushes down the building and goes looking for Bucciarati....soon they ran down the hallway for some seconds...and yet they gave a turn to the crypt church and soon to find Bucciarati and Trish both laying down on the ground...

Giorna: Trish!!

(YN): Bruno!!!

The two rush over to check on Trish and Bucciarati, soon Giorna goes to Bucciarati and uses Golden Experience ability to heal Bucciarati's wounds...

Giorna: These wounds...just what the hell happened?!

(YN): Trish is still breathing, but she's unconscious for now. Her hand looked like it got chopped off and Bruno's Sticky Fingers's zipper seems to be healing it up...just what the hell happen here?!?

Giorna: ...*The boss...he's got to be here somewhere else...he's the one that did this! I bet he did! And one things for sure is that he won't act any of defiance!*

(YN): don't think...the boss...did this to them...did he...??

Giorna stood quiet...until suddenly and surprisingly...Bucciarati woke up and yet his wounds were to be healed up...

Bruno: G-Giorna! (YN)!

(YN): Grazie al cielo! You're alive!

Giorna: Thank goodness!

(YN): Bruno, what happen here?!?

Bruno soon gets up as she then goes and carries Trish in her arms...

Bruno: No time to explain! We need to get out of here now! I'll explain later, we need to hurry and get to the others now!

Giorna: Okay!

(YN): Got it!

Soon the three while Trish is being carried started to flee their way out of the building...

(YN): Bruno, please tell me that the boss did this to you and Trish?!

Bruno: I hate to say it, but he did! All the agony and the time we've spent to reliever Trish to him was for nothing! All of this is just to keep his identity secret still! But now...I know about him! He's a stand user! His stand is Called King Crimson, it allows it to obliterated time for 10 seconds, in terms he can foresee the future for 5-10 seconds as well, don't know about his range, but we must get out of here now! We can't deflate the boss! Not just yet, we will have to reveal his flaws in order to take him down!

Soon as the three and Trish leave the area...soon...The Boss and King Crimson appeared as the boss speaks...

Boss: So, the young girl has to be Giorna Giovanna...interesting, so she's the new one here, but soon...I will kill every single of your crew Bucciarati, Venezia will be your graves!!!!


Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now