Chp.43 The Unthinkable Happen

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In the near building that Doppio was suppose to keep an eye out...Bruno, Fugo, Narancia and Abbacchio arrive at the building, soon Narancia's little bomber somehow shot Risotto instead of the boss...Doppio of course...

Narancia: Boom! Neutralize him already! Little Bomber got him good!

Abbacchio: Good, I'll go and check who it is.

Bruno: Hold it Abbacchio.

Abbacchio: Eh?

Bruno: This beach is crawling with pursuers, trying to get at us no matter what. We are here for one reason only, it's imperative we begin the replay of the man who photographed Trish's mother here 15 years ago. The longer we stay, the riskier we have to deal with.

Fugo: Yeah but like Narancia said, there only one guy up on that cliff.

Abbacchio: Bucciarati, don't you remember the stand we all encounter at the plane? We stood to turn the user into a bullet rider. Heap for all the good it did. We need to figure out who he is, or we are just asking for trouble.

Bruno: Hm. Narancia, can you confirm who is the person on top of the cliff?

Narancia: No, not at the moment. But his breathing is getting more fainter.

Bruno: Alright then, Narancia, Fugo and I will go investigate. Abbacchio, start using Moody Blues and began the replay of 15 years ago.

Abbacchio: On it *summons Moody Blues*

Bruno: Just bear in mind here, we cannot linger here. How much will it take for you to require?

Abbacchio: For nearly two decades? 8-10 minutes will be done for good.

Bruno: Good, meaning lookouts is necessary, Giorna, (YN), Trish and Mista are needed. The very second Moody Blues reveals the boss's identity, we get the hell out here! Narancia, use Little Bomber to let the others know we need them here.

Narancia: Right!! ...H-Huh?!

Fugo: What's wrong??

Narancia: S-Something broad in to Little Bomber!

Bruno: Merda! Fugo, Narancia let's go! Abbacchio!

Abbacchio: I'm on it, just go, don't worry about me.

Bruno: Right, let's go!

And so, Narancia, Fugo and Bruno started making their way to where Little Bomber was broad into...soon as they were running on the cliff and arrive to see Little Bomber....soon they have arrive and too see a dead body...Risotto's dead body...Narancia checks the radar towards his body...and yet...he hasn't breathing no longer...

Narancia: Looks like we are good to go, no questioning that he's not alive no more, and his stand is not here either. He's dead than dust, tough to ID as well.

Bruno: I see, it's safe to say, he's part of the hitman team.

Fugo: Really? How can you tell?

Bruno: He came here by himself, so he's either an elite assassin, or regardless on personal skill, the soul survives decimated the suadro. Other than that, there was another killer here. One who got his way, and ended his life.

Narancia: Uh, Bruno? Do you not see the hole I left him?? Surely I-

Bruno: No, we are not alike in this battlefield. Trust me, look at his foot.

They soon to notice Risotto's foot chopped off...

Fugo: It's chopped off!

Bruno: Yes, Little Bomber wouldn't have left severed burns, that wound does not shown any signs of it, it was chopped off.

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now