Chp.20 Encountering Illuso:Mirror Man Pt.1

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And now, Bruno and the gang have now a new mission: Protect the daughter at any cost, Trish Una, soon as they keep and eye on her, Trish has been getting close to (YN), knowing her that (YN) looks like the only meme we that seems to be liking to take the job seriously, and yet wants her to be on his side for protection....and by kinda made Giorna feel...uncomfortable with her around (YN). But so and so, in a hotel where their staying at, Bruno soon has received a message from the boss, and this message is being sent by Capo's only, knowing Bruno he's one of them, the message was said that the boss wants Bruno and the gang to proceed to their next location, Pompeii, the boss has hidden a key at Kaba Kana Mosaic. It will allow a vehicle to get there to get the key and also bringing his daughter safety as well...Pompeii is about 15 kilometers away from where they at, and yet enough time to get the key, and so, Bruno has asked Fugo, Abbacchio, (YN) and Giorna to head to Pompeii to secure the key, while Him, Mista, and Narancia stay here and protect Trish as Narancia heads over to collect the supplies that Trish asked them to go get a while ago. And so, Fugo, (YN), Abbacchio and Giorna were on their way to Pompeii as (YN) was driving and Giorna on the front seat and Fugo and Abbacchio at the back....soon as they were making their way to Pompeii, (YN) soon notice Giorna was starting at him, and yet looking away from him when he looks at her, and yet she seems...upset with him...

(YN): Giorna, is something wrong?

Giorna: ...Not at all.

(YN): Really? Cause you've been starting at me for a while.

Giorna: It's nothing really. It's just...the boss's daughter, Trish, she seems to be getting really close to you, and yet you seem okay with it.

Abbacchio: And is that a problem for you?

Giorna: ...No, it's nothing like that. I'm just saying she's being too comfort with him that's all, doesn't that seem a bit quick knowing she's being too comfortable with (YN)?

Fugo: I mean, not at all, I mean we do need to protect her at all cost right?

Giorna: Yeah but...she's only concern about (YN) only, and not us, maybe-

Abbacchio: Maybe you should just forget about it. You're talking too much.

(YN): Abbacchio.

Abbacchio: Tch.

(YN): Don't listen to him Giorna.

Giorna: ... *looks away*

(YN) Mind: She really is upset with me?? Why?? Never mind that, we're almost here....but still...why does it bother her??

Soon, after an 1 hour of driving, they have yet arrived to Pompeii, getting out from the car...

Abbacchio: Heh, Good ol Pompeii. Haven't set a foot here ever since I was a kid.

Fugo: Hmm. Abbacchio, (YN), Giorna, let's hustle and get the key.

Soon, the four started walking over to the area where the boss has hidden the key...

Fugo: Our destination is about 100 meters ahead. It should take 30 minutes to get there, get the key and high tail it back to camp.

Soon as Fugo walks over the a mirror, he yet suddenly sees someone on the reflection of the mirror, an enemy hiding behind the pillar...Fugo said silently...

Fugo: You three, eyes up!

(YN): Already?! Well that didn't take long.

Abbacchio: How many?

Fugo: Just one. He's hiding behind the pillar, watching us.

Giorna soon looks back...and doesn't see anyone??

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now