Chp.29 Enter Melone: BabyFace Pt.1

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After defeating Pesci and Prosciutto, Bruno and the gang were now safe, but knowing the train has stopped, they need to find a vehicle to head over to Venezia, which is 2 hours to get there in car. And that's not all...Bruno suddenly learn something from Trish...he yet soon to see something oddly from her and yet she seems to be confused about something that's going on with her, and that could only mean one thing for her...Trish Una may be a Stand User herself as, while Bruno and the others look for a vehicle to head to Venezia...knowing that they found a truck so they can hid the turtle in and hide themselves inside the turtle without letting the driver notice and get to Venezia...suddenly, a long purple hair person with a mask on in his eyes and yet gloves as well with boots too, soon arrive to where Pesci and Prosciutto were drafted and killed...his name was Melone...and he is too part of the hitman team as well...he soon makes a phone call to someone...and says...

Melone: It is currently 6:40pm, and I have arrived at the scene 20 minutes beofre the train have stopped. Prosciutto is no where to be found, so it seams he's dead, and Pesci has been mutilated. By the looks of it, this has to be work of Bucciarati's Sticky Fingers.

???: What about his team and the girl?? Can you track them down, Melone?

Melone: Their long gone, and I'll definitely track them down good. These two disfigured losers mange to do something right on their jobs.

Melone soon collects a little blood sample on the ground and places it in a little cap bottle...

Melone: I've got a decent blood sample now, from Bucciarati of course. Don't you worry, I'll be on the train, it'll start anytime soon and soon to arrive at Venezia.

???: Fine. I'll head over there as well.

Sooon Melone hangs up the phone, and yet he goes to the train as it then starts up to head to Venezia...meanwhile, back with Bruno and the gang, they were inside the turtle and soon yet in the truck as the truck driver was leading to Venezia...and we go in the turtle to see everyone safe and okay after their fight agains Pesci and Prosciutto...

Abbacchio: We should be okay by now, we'll get to Venezia by tomorrow morning or a day later.

Fugo: Right.

Soon, Giorna and (YN) suddenly notices Bruno and Trish being quiet for a moment...and especially Trish since Bruno has told them that Trish may have the powers of a stand...

Narancia: Sheesh, what's with the gloom and doom here since we all are in here? It's like both Bucciarati and Trish aren't talking to each other. Did he say something bad to make Trish angry?

Giorna: No, I think she's in her own right low cause Bucciarati is staying quiet right now.

(YN): Yea, Trish is being force to come in terms with her new powers, and then there's her enigmatic father, obviously she's going through in her mind.

Giorna: Yeah *Somehow I have to learn a way about her new power, surely it'll shine the light through the boss's identity.*

While still waiting, Mista was keeping an eye above so the driver won't notice about the turtle...until suddenly, #5 pop out and was yet crying...

#5: WAAAAH!!! Miiistaaa!!! Numbers 3 and 2 are being jerks to me and aren't sharing the food with me!

Mista: Huh?? What are you talking about bud?? I don't even have scrap of food on me and-

Mista suddenly sees crumbles falling above him and yet to see numbers 2 and 3 munching on a burger...

Mista: Huh?!? Hey where the hell did you two get that burger?!? W-Wait! Don't tell me!

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