Chp.16 Six Bullets Pt.1

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As we left off, after finishing up with the Torture dance and having a little fun, Abbacchio uses Moddy Blues to replay of Mario of how he was able to snuck on the yacht...soon they notice Mario was using the radio to call his friend and tell him everything about the 10 billion lire and Bucciarati's group heading to Capri, exposing them...soon after owning about it, the only thing about Capri is that it is crawling with bunch of tourists, and they knew Zucherros's friend might have arrive at Capri already...and if he did, then they have to fight him and no matter what the risk is, it is what to take. So, so in order to arrive at Capri faster and get to Zucherro's friend, Giorna uses Gold Experience ability to turn the two buoy into two huge fishes for three people to head to Capri...and alongside with Giorna, (YN) decides to go with her...and Mista as well, knowing him he'll be up for the mission to use his gun...and his stand as well, Six, Giorna, (YN) and Mista grab on to the huge fishes as Giorna made the fishes swim over to Capri while Bruno, Fugo, Narancia and Abbacchio stayed on the boat...soon as they head over to Capri, (YN) suddenly was holding onto Giorna for her not to fall off, and that made her blush and yet was okay with it...minutes later, the three soon finally arrive to Capri...

Giorna: Damn, swimming from the boat to here lasted a bit longer than I expected.

(YN): Yes, and we only have 20 minutes before meeting up Zucherro's friend of mystery. Let's hurry. He needs to be taken down.

Mista: Say Giorna (YN), how it looking from the marina?

(YN) and Giorna soon uses the binoculars and sees a bunch of tourists at Capri...

(YN): Mama Mia. It seems that Abbacchio wasn't kidding about Capri, there's tourist everywhere.

Giorna: Yeah, and they all seem like their waiting on someone. Of course, most of them are waiting for arrival ships. But still, Mista, (YN), we only have 20 minutes to take this guy out. So how are we gonna do it? ....(YN)? Mista?

Giorna soon notices Mista was siting on a rock...and yet he had a table set ready, with a plate with food and wine and yet, Mista was about to cut some salamis as for (YN), he was making himself two triangle sandwiches...Giorna soon walked over to them...and yet was confused...

Giorna: ...Wh-What the hell are you two doing???

Mista: Eh? Oh well, I take it that you haven't notice yet, but it is way passed our lunch time. What we really like is to go to that restaurant right there, but everyone knows it serves nothing but shitty tourist food Crap.

(YN): Indeed, we may not know how the enemy looks like, but we're guessing he wouldn't be able to say the same to us, since we're a member of Bucciarati's team. And might seem your face by now.

Giorna: ...I-Sorry, I'm not following your train of thoughts, but if I may speak my mind for a sec, you know we do have 20 minutes to catch the enemy right?

Mista: Sorry Giorna, but we cannot work on a empty stomach.

Giorna: Huh??

Mista: I mean, I'm obviously like that, but...these little guys like to take it pretty seriously.

Soon Giorna notices Mista pulling out his gun, and yet out from the bullet holes...6 little figures came out from it...and they are Mista's stands, Six Bullets...

Giorna Giovanna x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now