Extra 1

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You curved and tossed, cursed and muttered as you lay on your side, legs tucked in and face morphed into a scowl. You were having the worst period cramps you'd had in a long while and it was almost unbearable. Worse, you'd had a fight with Jungkook just an hour ago and he had left your house angry.

Now you couldn't even text him to get you ice cream.

You groaned as you turned again, laying on your left side and tucking your knees in. The pain was just getting worse and worse and you couldn't even get up to heat the hot water bottle you usually used. Your eyes teared up because of the immense ache as you remembered your mom, missing being at home where she was always there to comfort you.

"Where the fuck is Jimin when you need him?" You thought, silently cursing him for being away on a business trip. But it was a great growth opportunity for his career so you couldn't even be very mad at him for not being here with you.

Just then you heard the front door being opened and you stilled. With horror, you realized you'd forgotten to lock up when Jungkook left!

"Shit." You muttered, attempting to get up but falling back down immediately because of the pain.

'Ah fuck it, they can kill me if they want. At least I'd be free from this shit.'

You laid there anxiously, waiting to see if it was Jimin or your death. But you soon realized it was neither as a familiarly awkward stepping pattern reached your ears.

"Jungkook?" You called out faintly, not believing it was really him.

But in he walked with the same angry expression that he'd left with, his stride quick. His tongue was lodged in his cheek.

"Y/N how the fuck could you not lock up your front door? How safe exactly do you think LA is?" He scolded you before his eyes took in your forlorn sight and softened. You saw his features form into a worried frown.

"What's wrong?" He asked, coming to sit beside you and immediately putting his hand on your forehead, feeling your temperature.

You groaned as another particularly painful cramp hit you, burying your head in your hands as you fought back tears. Seeing him had suddenly made you more emotional than you could have imagined.

"Hey.." He said again, pushing your hair back gently.

"Period cramps." You said.

"Is it that bad?"

"I can't even move. I miss my mom." You spoke, your voice trembling a little.

Jungkook lifted your head out of your hands, holding it between his palms. His eyes were wide and disbelieving.

"Y/N, are you crying?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I don't know!" You whined, falling back into the security of your arms and hiding your face from him. You felt tears roll down your face.

He stayed there silently for a while before getting up and disappearing. You wondered where he'd gone but couldn't bother asking him.

In a few minutes, he returned, shaking your body a little as if you were asleep.

"Y/N sit up, have some warm tea." He said. You looked up at him for a moment before pushing yourself up. Jungkook's arms supported your weight, helping you sit up with the support of pillows.

He handed you the tea as well as the hot water bag that he had heated up, which you thankfully took and laid on your lower stomach.

"Thanks." You said, your voice soft with emotion. He wiped your tears off.

"No need to thank me, babe. Just tell me if there's anything else I can do." He replied matter-of-factly, sitting beside your legs and rubbing his hands up and down your thigh.

"Mhm, that feels good." You commented.

"Should I give you a massage?" Jungkook asked, placing both his hands on each of your thighs.

"Yes please."

You sat silently for a while as he rubbed your thighs, going up and down in slow motions and applying even pressure. You sipped your hot tea and stared at him quietly. You wondered why it felt so soothing for him to massage your thighs and you slowly felt the pain getting more bearable as well.

"Why did you come back?" You asked eventually, setting down your finished tea.

Jungkook looked up from his focus and shrugged.

"I don't know. You just seemed irritated and moody when I came over earlier and I knew you were on your period so I thought I shouldn't be mad at you for it. You were probably just having mood swings."

You smiled at him softly.

"You're so thoughtful Jungkook." You said honestly, putting your hand on top of his that was still massaging your thighs. Your pain had subsided a lot by now and was reduced to a dull ache.

"I am, aren't I?" He smirked, making you shake your head.

"You were right too. I felt bad about the argument because it was mostly my fault but I also didn't wanna apologize first." You admitted.

"That's why you didn't text me even though you were in so much pain?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yes.. and no. I was also scared you wouldn't answer because you left so mad."

"Y/N, you know I'd never do that. If you're going through anything you can simply text me and I'll be there as soon as I can. Arguments don't matter in front of something like this. We can sort through our problems later. This is important. I can't bear to have you be in pain and me not knowing about it."

Your eyes teared up at his explanation and you sniffled. Jungkook's expression morphed into panic and he brought his hands up to your face.

"Are you crying again? Y/N what's wrong?"

"I don't know, I'm just very emotional." You explained, tears rolling down your face freely while you tried to hide your crying face from him. You had never actually cried in front of him before.

"Hey, it's okay. You can cry sometimes when you're feeling overwhelmed. No need to hide it." Jungkook said, wiping away a tear from your face with the ball of his thumb, his hands still holding your face.

"Okay, but let me go." You said, removing his hands from your face and trying to compose yourself. You couldn't believe you were crying over something like this. Maybe it really was just a mixture of emotions making you feel overwhelmed.

"Can you keep massaging my thighs? It felt really good." You said, wiping away the remaining tears.

"Yeah, of course." He chuckled a little at your baby-like voice but you couldn't be bothered to care.

You laid your head back on the pillow, feeling loved and comforted. To fill the silence, Jungkook played some soft music on his phone and that's what you fell asleep to. The sound of piano and the feel of his hands on your body. 

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