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You saw the dress pool around your ankles and suddenly your cheeks warmed.

This could have been happening inside Jungkook's room, has er not been interrupted.

But you were a little surprised at yourself for thinking that. Would you have let it go that far? Did you really feel that comfortable with Jungkook, even though you'd met him only about two weeks ago?

It was bizarre. To you, someone who'd had sex with only one guy before this, it was extremely bizarre. But you actually were willing to cross that line with him. You were shocked at your bold thoughts.

You jumped when you heard a knock on your door. It was Jungkook.

"Everything okay in there?" His soft voice asked, angelic.

You didn't answer. You didn't know what to answer. Was it okay to just tell him you wanted to make out with him again? It felt okay, but something in you was a little shy to actually say it.

'Fuck, what should I say? I don't wanna go for some walk anymore.'

You heard his knock again as you stood there biting your lower lip, trying to think of a delicate way to tell him what you wanted. Would it be too crude if you just opened the door and said let's have sex?

Yeah, it would.

"Y/N?" Came his voice, a little concerned this time. You finally sighed at your indecisiveness and moved towards the door with slow steps.

Just before you reached it though, the door swung open halfway. Jungkook's head poked out, his expression drowned in a frown.

Your eyes widened. You'd forgotten to lock the door.

Jungkook's expression did a 180° when he took in your half naked form and he shut his eyes quickly, closing the door almost completely.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I thought you would be in the bathroom or something when you didn't answer. And I was also slightly worried.. anyway, I have no excuse. I'm really sorry about that." He rambled, his voice nervous.

You almost chuckled as you put on an oversized hoodie. It reached right below your butt, covering just an inch or two of your thighs and leaving everything else exposed. Before your hand could even reach for the sweats, you stopped yourself.

With a new determination in your eyes, you walked to the door which was just slightly open. You swung it open completely to find Jungkook facing the other way, his head in his hands.

With a smile you leaned up and draped your arms around his chest, resting your cheek on his back. Jungkook flinched with surprised, turning his head to look back at you.

"You're not mad?" He asked, surprised.


"Are you going to walk out in just that hoodie?"


He stood unsure, probably wondering what was on your mind. You decided to make it easier for him by lifting your head and letting him turn in your arms.

"I wanna kiss you again. And just keep doing that for a while."

You surprised yourself with the bold words. Jungkook was also dumbfounded, his eyes round as a soccer ball.

Then he chuckled deeply.

"You continue to surprise me." He said, cupping your face with his palm and leaning down to press his lips to your own.

The kiss started out slow, experimental. If felt almost like a first kiss, though you'd already had a heated make out session earlier that day. Yet, the feeling of kissimg him was new. A good kind of new.

running into him | j.jk.Where stories live. Discover now