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It had only been 4 days since your encounter with Jungkook, but you hadn't been able to keep the boy out of your mind. It wasn't just his good looks (his insanely good GOOD looks), it was also his way of speaking. He was extremely smart and charming. You wanted to know him more and you just couldn't wait until your sister came to visit you, so you could take her to the same salon and meet him again.

Currently, you were walking out with your fellow Assistant Editor to grab a quick lunch. Both of you were drowned in work today since the Editor-in-chief, your boss, was pressing down on you hard. You usual one hour lunch had been cut down to a 30 minute brief break.

"The article isn't even that important. I don't get the fuss." Jin said, rounding a corner into a busy alleyway. Jin was your senior not only in terms of work, but also in age. At 27, he looked nothing older than 24. His positive parsonality and never-ending stream of dad-jokes was his charm, which meant girls swarmed up to him everywhere he went. Of course, his broad shoulders didn't hurt either.

"He's just stressed because the main story we were banking on for the monthly issue has been rejected by the director." You replied, trying to calm him down. Being your senior, Jin had been taking most of the brunt from your boss.

"You're right. I can't blame him much. The cancellation was so sudden that all our layouts have been laid to waste. This hasn't happened before."

"Where are we going again?" You asked, eyeing the little shops around with wary interest. You and Jin had developed a ritual of having lunches together ever since you joined, sometimes his boyfriend Namjoon also joined. You usually went a little bit outside of downtown LA where Jin's family had a restaurant. So far, you had never dined near the workplace much.

"Today we don't have enough time to drive to my parent's restaurant, so I'm taking you to a little dinery instead. It's right at the end of this alley and serves the most decadent raspberry-chocolate pastry. You're gonna rave about it for days Y/N." He gushed.

You chuckled lightly at Jin's enthused self, wondering how this man was any older than a teenager. You didn't think to remind him that you actually didn't like sweets, your interest was more in spicy treats.

Soon you reached the little place and Jin pushed the glass door to enter, holding it open for you as well. You gave him a smile as you passed, and then proceeded to take a nearby booth. Jin slipped opposite you.

"This is my favourite place to come when I have a time crunch, it's conveniently close to the office but the food is first class." He continued excitedly. You always found it endearing how Jin was such an overbearing foodie, always excited about trying new things and even taking you along to experiment with different places. You both had gotten shockingly close in just three months, and that just showed how open hearted he truly was.

Your conversation was interrupted when someone handed out two menus to you. You looked up to thank the server, but instead found yourself frozen as you stared into a pair of familiar orbs.

The sound of your name rolling out from the man's lips pulled you from your shock.

"Jungkook?" You asked, as if confirming it was indeed him.

"Hey!" He responded enthusiastically, giving you hope that he was as excited to see you as you were to see him.

You stared at his apron in confusion.

"How come you're.."

"I work two jobs. Unfortunately, one job isn't enough to sustain my spending habits." He smiled at you.

"Oh." You simply said.

Then you realised Jin was looking at the both of you curiously.

"Uh this is Seokjin. He's my coworker. We're just here to grab a quick lunch." You explained shortly.

Jungkook nodded at Jin and he gave a warm smile in return.

"Busy day huh?" He asked.

"You have no idea." Jin replied, shaking his head.

"What's the quickest dish your chefs can whip up?" You asked next, not wanting to waste any more time.

"Pasta is the quickest here. Maybe something like a Bruschetta as well." He answered immediately.

"Great. One Aglio Olio and one Arrabiatta." You ordered instantly, already knowing Jin's pasta choice.

"And your raspberry-chocolate desert too!" Jin added urgently.

"Just one of those." You interjected

"Wha-" Jin protested but you cut him off.

"I've told you I don't like sweets. You keep forgetting."

"Oh yeah." He said in realisation. "What a shame though. The desert comes with a decadent raspberry compot and a raspberry sorbet that goes so well with the dense chocolate cake."

Jungkook chuckled in obvious surprise.

"You described it better than I ever could." He said. Jin seemed to beam at the compliment.

"Okay two pastas and one desert, any drinks?" He asked next.

"None for me. Just water." You replied.

"Yeah me neither. Gotta save room for the cake." Jin said.

"Alright, I'll get you some water."

You smiled gratefully at him as he left to fetch you water.

"How do you know that hot piece of ass?"

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