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You couldn't believe your luck when you ran into Jungkook AGAIN, the very same day.

Having given Jin a good thrashing, and then getting flicked on the forehead because he was your elder, you were in a pretty sour mood. With the intention of calling up Namjoon to complain to him on your way back home, you headed out for the subway.

You were walking with earphones plugged in, listening to some of your favourite tunes to put you in a better mood, when suddenly a bike pulled up right beside you.

You were so startled that you almost dropped your phone. You looked up in anger only to find a familiar pair of brown orbs looking at you through the helmet.

"Jungkook..?" You asked tentatively and you saw the helmet moving, as if he was saying something, but you didn't hear a thing. The man tapled his own ears over the helmet and you realised you still had your earphones in.

Feeling stupid, you quickly removed your plugs and immediately recognised Jungkook's voice.

"I just saw you across the road and thought I'd offer you a ride. It seems like you're taking the subway?" He said straight away.

"Uh yeah. My car went to servicing today. Where do you live?" You asked in return, a little surprised at seeing him again so soon.

"Santa Monica."

"You're kidding! Which building?" You asked excitedly.

"Uh I live in a flat. Presidential Apartments at Ellesmere road."

Your eyes widened in shock.

"No way. I live in the building next to yours!" You exclaimed.

Jungkook's eyes widened too.

"Seriously? Wow, what are the chances?" He laughed, his visor now fully up and his breathtaking face in your sights.


"Now you definitely have to come along. I can drop you off since I'm going there anyway." Jungkook declared, a new found confidence lacing his words.

You chuckled and said yes. Getting on the bike was a bit of a struggle in your dress, but since it was a stretchy material you were able to shimmy it up high enough on your legs to sit comfortably, while still covering your essentials. There was a chance of slight ass cheek exposure on the way, but that didn't cross your mind as you instead focused on the proximity between you and Jungkook.

You sat right behind him, your stomach and breasts pressed against his back in the tiny space of his bike. You wrapped your arms lightly around his waist to keep yourself from falling and you could feel his muscles tense a little at your touch.

"Is this okay?" You asked, worried that you had gone too far.

"This is perfect." He replied, once again leaving you in a confused state and trying to figure out the tone he meant to use.

"Ready?" He checked and you replied in the affirmative. Then he kicked off and before you knew it, you both were flying through the air.

Your legs were now up on the holds, pressed up right against the back of his thighs. You couldn't keep your eyes open very well in the wind without tearing up, so you decided to simply shut them. Jungkook had handed you a helmet as well before you climbed on and you were thankful that it kept your hair out of your face.

You reached a slightly empty road and Jungkook picked up his speed. Your arms around his abdomen tightened reflexively and you could now feel his abs through the fabric of his shirt. A while later you felt his hand hold yours for a brief second over his stomach, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Your heart jumped at the contact and also warmed at the sweet gesture. You weren't really afraid of bike rides, your clutching had been reflexive. But you didn't want to explain that to him, you were happy enough with the little contact.

Before you even knew it, you had reached your neighbourhood. Your hands around his waist now loosened a bit as your speed slowed. Soon enough, he stopped altogether in front of your residence.

Grudgingly, you swung your leg and got off the bike. Immediately you pulled your dress back down and Jungkook laughed slightly as he caught the action. You then removed his helmet and handed it back to him.

"Thanks. I got back faster than ever before." It was true. Even your car couldn't get you back so quickly, courtesy of LA traffic. But Jungkook's bike had swerved through the traffic expertly, getting you back home in record time.

"No problem. I can drop you off again tomorrow if you want. I'm working at the diner tomorrow too."

You grinned and nodded yes, expressing your thanks. Jungkook smiled at you.

Both of you seemed at a loss of what to say next. Eventually, Jungkook said goodbye a little awkwardly and rode off. You waved after him and waited till he disappeared out of sight. Then you walked into your building and hailed the elevator, realising too late that you hadn't even exchanged numbers with him yet.

"Ugh." You groaned out loud, thinking about what a wuss you were.

'Tomorrow. I'll ask him out tomorrow.'

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