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He jumped a little at the contact but you were too tired to bother sitting up again. At the same time, your heart was beating fast at this unexpected mistake. Would he get up? Was that too much? Should you get up and apologise?

Jungkook simply finished placing the order for some porridge and then hesitantly put his hands on either side of his lap, afraid to touch you.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

"Hmm." You replied softly, not having the energy to speak. Jungkook had been right in assessing that your blood pressure was low. You felt more tired than ever.

"Do you need something else? I should get you a blanket right?"

You wanted to shout at him to stop worrying and just let you enjoy the pillow that his thighs provided, surprisingly more comfortable than anything else. But you only shook your head against his lap.

When he didn't say anything for the next few minutes you finally turned your head towards his face, only to find him looking directly at you. Neither of you looked away.

"Is this uncomfortable? Should I sit up?" You asked next, afraid that you had gone too far.

"Not at all." He shook his head, bringing his hands from his side and laying one across your waist while the other petted your head. You smiled back gratefully and then turned your head to the front again. You weren't sure if the redness in your cheeks was still from the fever or blushing.

Jungkook patted your head lightly and you closed your eyes, humming in appreciation. For a second his hands froze up at the sound, but then resumed immediately afterwards. You made sure not to let any more sounds escape your mouth.

You weren't sure when you fell asleep. The next thing you remember was the doorbell rudely interrupting your slumber. You opened your eyes and looked up at Jungkook.

"Must be the delivery guy. I'll get it." He said and you nodded, slowly sitting up with the support of your hands. You criss-crossed your legs on the sofa, putting your hands in your lap. By now the sugar solution was starting to take effect and you felt a little more awake.

You fished out your pocket mirror from your purse, checking your appearance. Except a little eyeliner smudge, everything was decent. You quickly wiped some of the oil buildup around your nose and the excess eyeliner. Then you fixed your top which had been dropping a little too low, thanking yourself for putting on comfortable pants in the morning.

Jungkook soon returned with two packages. You told him where he could find the cutlery and he reappeared with the utensils and some water. Laying it all out on your tiny coffee table, he even went as far as to serve you.

"You didn't have to order porridge for yourself too. You aren't sick." You said, cringing at your throaty voice. The infection was definitely getting worse.

"It's fine. I'll eat whatever you're eating."

Those simple words affected you way more than they should have.

"So you live alone in this huge place? Isn't it lonely?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "I live with three people."

"I have a roommate too." You replied.


"Yeah," you continued, "he's just out of town right now. He'll be back next week."

"You live with a male roommate?" Jungkook asked, tone a little high.

"Yeah." You shrugged.

"Cool." You could see him rubbing his palms against his jeans. "So is he just a roommate or..?"

"He's also one of my closest friends." You answered unsurely. Jungkook seemed unsure of what to do next, as he stared at the bowls of porridge.

"Are you guys together..?" He finally asked in a little voice and you laughed.

"Me and Jimin? There's no way. Even the idea of that is hilarious."

Jungkook nodded, not very enthusiastically. You decided to change the topic.

"So what's your schedule like? You've been working at the diner for the past two days, don't you have shifts at the salon too?"

"I work at the salon from Sunday to Tuesday and at the diner from Wednesday to Thursday. Sometimes I catch an extra shift on Friday, but usually Friday and Saturday are my off days. I use them to catch up on assignments and stuff or hangout with friends."

"Wow, you work so hard." You admired.

"Not so much actually. I don't ever feel short of time." He smiled at you, stuffing some porridge into his mouth.

His open mouthed noisy chewing somehow didn't put you off, in fact you found it quite endearing. Another surprise considering you gave Jimin so much shit about his own chewing habits.

You both talked quietly about your own lives, Jungkook telling you more about his three roommates who were also his best friends- Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi. You refrained from bringing Jimin up again so that Jungkook's mood remained happy.

But that didn't last long.

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