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You both continued to chat lightly about your college experiences while he conditioned your hair and then finally dried it with a towel.

"You can open your eyes now." His voice so close to your ear startled you and your eyes shot open, your neck tilting to the side to look directly into his eyes. He stood a few feet off to your side, bent forward until his face was at your level. He had an amused glint in his eye.

"Sorry, I didn't even realize my eyes were still closed." You laughed through the embarrassment, quickly getting up to sit in another chair. Jungkook followed you and stood behind you again, looking at you in the mirror.

He resumed the conversation as he unwrapped the towel from your hair and lightly finger combed through them. You replied coolly, but you were screaming internally.

Until now your eyes had been closed so you were able to not think about his handsome self as you talked to him. But now, you could feel him practically glowing in beauty behind you. His reflection in the mirror was focused on your hair even as he talked, while yours was focused on his face, taking in his long nose and thin lips. His two front teeth popped out even so often when he smiled and you found yourself melting at the sight.

'God, I'm a mess.'

He next took a toothcomb and started gently untangling the few knots in your hair. That didn't last long since your long silky hair never tangled much anyway. When his fingers finally left your hair for good, you wanted nothing more than to call them back.

"And that's why I now live in my own room. But I still share the flat with 3 people, because of that THICK LA rent." He finished his awful roommate story, smirking at you when he repeated your earlier words. For some reason, you found the smirk way too hot.

"Linda! She's ready!" Jungkook called out and you felt a little sad that he was going to leave now. You didn't want Linda interrupting the nice conversation you both were having, but there was nothing you could do about it.

"Good good, I was just going to check in Jungkook." She walked in, her bulky frame fitting narrowly through the door.

"My lord, isn't her hair just the most gorgeous thing ever? I hate to cut it every time she comes in." She gushed.

"It really is." Jungkook simply replied.

"Such a shame that she wants me to cut down half of it. Are you still sure about that dear?" She asked you again.

"Definitely. I really want a whole new look, Linda. In fact, I even want you to dye my hair."

She gasped at that.

"Oh, now THAT is wonderful news. You could go ombre! I've been begging you for a year now. You would look so good with some ombre highlights in your hair, maybe even all of-"

"No." You replied firmly, shaking my head. "I want blue."

Linda froze for a second.

"Blue?" She asked incredulously.

"Yep. You know it's my favourite colour. I've always wanted to get a little blue in my hair but I was too scared to try it out. But now that I'm doing this, I wanna go all out."

"But isn't blue a little too..." She trailed off.

"I think it's a good choice." Jungkook suddenly piped up from behind. "Bold and confident."

You smiled at his encouragement and looked back at Linda. She was still looking a bit troubled.

"I mean, it would look stunning no doubt. I just thought it might not be very... professional. Didn't you just start at your job?"

"Oh don't worry about that. My company is extremely employee-friendly. My own boss has a line of tattoos up his arm that he never bothers to hide. It's very hot." I reassured her.

"Alright then, blue it is. Jungkook, could you fetch the colour cards for me before you go?"

"Sure." He replied, disappearing into a room and emerging with some colour panels.

"We've got another client in the next room." Linda informed Jungkook, who nodded at her.

"It was nice meeting you, Y/N." He addressed me, and you responded to the greeting even as your heart ached at the idea of him leaving already.

Then he turned around and was gone.

running into him | j.jk.Where stories live. Discover now