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I'm so so so sorry guys, I was going through a lot of stuff because of the whole pandemic situation and couldn't write anything at all. Finally I'm trying to get back to it. Hopefully I can make it up to you!!


"The fuck?"

Jungkook's voice made you whirl around nervously, only to see an angry bull glaring instead. You gulped and glanced back at Jimin who also seemed to be a little intimidated.

"It was a joke. Calm your man Y/N. If he turns any redder we might have to declare him a direct descendent of the rare red pandas." Jimin finally said, a lazy grin on his face.

You winced at his pathetic joke, about to give him an earful when Taehyung burst out laughing.

"This guy.. wahh Jimin-sii you're so funny." 

As Taehyung cracked up, Jungkook walked closer to the three of you and put his hand on your waist somewhat possessively.

"Nice to see you again, Tiny Fingers." He said to Jimin, whose face immediately fell. Taehyung started laughing even louder.

"How do you both know each other?" you asked Jimin and Taehyung, trying to break the tension in the room. 

"I met Taehyung-sii at work today. He just transferred to our department." Jimin answered you, passing a smile to Taehyung who nodded in return.

"Ah I didn't introduce myself. I'm Kim Taehyung." The ethereal man offered you his hand and you shook it firmly.

"Y/N Y/L/N." You answered, giving him a smile. Jungkook's hold on your waist never wavered.

"Did I disturb you two?" Taehyung moved his eyebrows suggestively and you felt your face heat up a little. You barely knew him.

"Yes. Leave." Jungkook answered before you could refuse and you whipped your head to look at him.

"Too bad. Y/N I got spicy chicken wings from Melrose." Jimin informed you.

"What?" You shouted a little too loudly, making Jungkook jump beside you. "Why didn't you say so before!?"

You removed Jungkook's arms from around you and walked towards your roommate, snatching the bag labelled Hot Wings Cafe from his hands.

"Hey! You gotta share. I got them for me." Jimin whined, following you to where the sofa set lay. Jungkook and Taehyung followed, a sour look gracing Jungkook's face.

"Too bad. You ruined my time with Jungkook so this is punishment." You answered him, poking your tongue out to tease him. "Jungkook!" You called out, urging him to come towards you.

He did so without question.

"You've got to try these. They're the spiciest hot wings in all of LA. I'll bet you'll cry by the end." You informed him, settling down on the couch as if it was your own apartment. Jungkook sat beside you and Jimin took a seat opposite. Taehyung followed suit and sat beside Jimin.

"Oooh. How about a competition?" Taehyung suggested, a glint in his eyes.

"Yes! Perfect!" You held your hand up for a high-five which he promptly gave to you. Jungkook was oddly quiet and his expression remained unreadable. 

"Okay, then you versus me and Jungkook versus Jimin. How about it?" Taehyung suggested. You shrugged and started unpacking the food. 

"I'm in." Jungkook said with new found conviction and you rolled your eyes at his oh-so-obvious jealousy. 

"Let's get some milk too. These two have never had it before." Jimin suggested.

"Not needed." Jungkook replied, cracking his knuckles as he sat intimidatingly.

"You sure?" You questioned, looking into his eyes. He seemed baffled by the question.

"Of course!" Jungkook answered as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

You grabbed the takeout plates and divided up the chicken into four equal portions, but you knew neither Taehyung nor Jungkook would be able to finish theirs.

"Alright then, let the games begin!"

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