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"So I take it that you're a regular customer?" He asked next, and you were happy that he was also trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah, I've been coming here for three years now. Linda is my lord and saviour when it comes to dealing with this insanely heavy mass of rejected protein."

You cringed internally once again. Why must you bring poor science into this as well?

But he let out another little chuckle, and this time you joined him as well.

"I have to admit, they are pretty heavy." He replied.

"I'm telling you, washing them regularly is a whole arm workout in itself." I joked.

"Then I guess I can skip gym today." He indulged in the comedy and I giggled.

"I'm Jungkook, by the way." He added. You introduced yourself quickly too, now searching for some other way to converse with him.

"You look pretty young, are you in college?" You asked, hoping it wasn't too direct a question.

He scoffed very slightly.

"I'm probably older than you. And yeah, I'm in my third year."

You grinned at his defensive response.


"So you're 21?" You ventured, trying to get his exact age.

"Yeah, you?"

"Same actually."

"So you're in college too?" He asked next.

"No, I graduated."

"What?" He asked, shock emanating from his voice.

You laughed in response. You were used to such reactions by now.

"Yeah, I graduated in 2.5 years instead of four."

"How come?" He asked next, his fingers moving to thoroughly massage the shampoo into your roots. You almost groaned out loud at the pleasure you were experiencing from his hands working on your scalp.

"I started half a year early and continued college during my summer breaks as well. It was 2.5 years of ruthless studies but it was totally worth the money I saved on tuition. My university allowed me to pile on extra courses in the summer for lesser money. Plus I ended up saving 1.5 years worth rent and food expenses." You ranted out your thoroughly rehearsed story.

Your parents were by no standards wealthy, but they made enough to be able to provide you with a comfortable school life. When you'd become 16, your parents had sat you down and told you that they didn't have enough saved up to fund your whole college tuition. 

Determined to fulfill your dream of becoming an editor you had slaved for the last two years of high school, working multiple minimum wage jobs and saving up for college. Throughout your 2.5 years of college, you had been too busy to do part-time jobs, but your parent's little fund money and your own savings added to the 25% excellence scholarship you had scored helped tide you though college. 

Now at your new job as Assistant Editor at one of your favourite magazine companies, you were already making enough to start paying off the little student loan you had.

"Wow, that's so amazing." You sensed awe in his voice again and your pride swelled a little. Everyone loves being praised.

"So you're already working now?" He asked next. By now he was done shampooing your hair and he picked up the showerhead again to wash it off.

"Yeah, I'm an Assistant Editor."

"Man I wish I had thought of graduating early, but I'm not sure I would have been able to take the pressure." He voiced his thoughts.

"I figured you were another struggling college student, trying to pay that thick LA rent." You mused. You yourself had trouble with the insane rent in Los Angeles, home of Hollywood. A college student would obviously be struggling.

"Yeah pretty much. I work part-time to manage my living costs, my dad actually pays the tuition. I just help him out as much as I can."

"That's nice." You responded, a shiver running down your spine when the cold water hit your scalp again. Jungkook's fingers were in your hair again and you almost sighed at the comfort.

"What are you studying?" You asked in a desperate attempt to revive the conversation.

"I'm at UCLA's film school. I'm majoring in both screenwriting and videography."

"Wow, that's cool." You replied genuinely. You loved watching films and had immense respect for the amount of work that went into producing each one. But screenwriting was the thing that impressed you the most. As an editor who had to sift through countless written pieces every day, you understood the difficulty in writing a satisfactory piece and then sending it for scrutinization.

"Yeah, that is why I'm doing it." He responded cheekily and you chuckled.

running into him | j.jk.Where stories live. Discover now