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"Ah, I'm Jimin. Y/N's roommate. Thank you for taking care of her." Jimin smiled, his hand extended for a handshake.

Jungkook simply nodded, shaking Jimin's hand once firmly and then letting go.

"I will take care of her now. I should have checked up on her more often anyway, I know she has a tendency to push herself too much. You don't need to trouble yourself anymore." Jimin politely said.

You weren't sure if that was what Jungkook really wanted to hear as he just nodded again, more stiff this time. Jungkook collected his belongings and waved goodbye before leaving. You didn't even have the time to say much to him.

As soon as you heard the front door shut, you groaned.

"Jimin you idiot. You came at the wrong time."

Jimin frowned, settling next to you.

"What do you mean? You aren't happy to see me?" He faked hurt.

"No I'm not." You glared at him. "I was hoping to ask the guy out."

Jimin looked you up and down mockingly.

"Looking like this?"

You smacked the back of his head and he laughed.

"Ugh." You let out a sound of frustration.

"Sorry cutie, but how was I supposed to know?" Jimin said sincerely, walking into the kitchen.

"It's fine." You called out. "I think he friendzoned me anyway."

"Seems to me like you friendzoned him." He piped out.

"He did it to me first before you got here."

"You'll get a chance again. Where did you even meet such a hot guy?"

"Even you think he's hot?" You asked, surprised. Jimin was one other reason why you hadn't dated in the last three years. He rejected every guy you ever liked, deeming them unworthy of you. In the beginning you thought it was because he liked you, but you soon realized he was Bi and had a boyfriend. 

"Yeah, only someone who's blind would deny that he's hot." Jimin rolled his eyes, emerging with a bowl and a cloth.

He sat down on the sofa again and motioned you to lay your head in his lap. You did so without question, but couldn't help missing the feel of Jungkook's thighs underneath your head.

"So how's James?" You asked, inquiring about his boyfriend.

You felt Jimin sigh before you heard it.

"We broke up." He said simply.

You scoffed, looking up at him.

"Can't say I didn't see that coming."

James had been distant lately. Jimin was a very perceptive person though, and had realised soon enough that James was seeing someone else. The showdown had been last week when Jimin planned a surprise visit to his hometown and ended up catching his boyfriend red-handed. The outcome had not been pleasant (for James).

Jimin dipped the cloth into the icy water in the bowl, squeezing it afterwards and then placed it on your head. 

"Did you cry?" You asked, knowing how sensitive your best friend could be. He said he didn't care, that James had been distant for far too long and was already out of his mind. But something told you that wasn't the case.

"A little. But it doesn't hurt as much as you might think. Besides, he cried even more after what I said to him in front of his family." Jimin smirked.

You raised your eyebrows. "Do I want to know?"

"It's not suitable for children's ears."

"Heyy!" You complained, making Jimin only laugh more.

Just then, you both heard the front door open again.

Jimin tensed underneath you.

"Didn't you shut the door?" You asked.

"Shit, no. I forgot."

You started to get off his lap when you heard Jungkook's voice.

"Uh, sorry! I just forgot the keys to my bike." He called out.

His head popped out from behind the wall and he froze when he saw you both. You almost groaned at the cold expression on his face as he took in the sight of you laying with your head in Jimin's lap, a position that belonged to Jungkook just minutes ago.

Jungkook gave a tight lipped smile and then left again as quick as he came in, this time the door banged a little harsher. You winced at the sound.

"Well there's one good news." Jimin ventured. You turned your head to look at his face.

"If I have to go by that last expression on his face, he definitely did not friendzone you honey."

"Yeah, and now he thinks we're dating and I've been leading him on." You scoffed.

"Then let him know the truth." Jimin shrugged.

"How?" You asked.

"I mean, don't you have his number or something? Reach out to him." Jimin said as if it was the simplest thing in the world, making you realise that it actually was.

'Why over complicate things when you can clear them up right away?'

So you picked up your phone.

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