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Today is the first day of my baby internship in our company, not only him but other students too. Every year we accept internship in company and some of them get to work here after their graduate.

Gulf insists us to treat him as same as other interns but look at him now still sleeping soundly in in bed. I shook my head and try to wake him up.

"Baby, wake up" He stirred in his sleep but still not wake up
"Baby, wake up! You don't want to get late on first day intern right?" I said and he quickly sit up, rubbing his eyes with his pouted lip. I chuckled when look at him trying to fight with his sleep.

"What time is it daddy?" He asked with his sleepy voice

"It's 6:30am already" I said and he hissed loudly then running to bathroom.

"Why don't wake me up early daddy than this?" He shouted from the bathroom, I don't answer him. This kid now blames me for not wake him up, I want to asked where my determination boy last night who strongly requested us to treat him as the other.

"Phi Krist, could I have only a bow of cereal with milk?" He asked soon when he arrived the dining table
"Baby, you can't have that. Krist make him heavy breakfast"
"Yes, master" Krist answered and rushed to kitchen

"But daddy I will be late" he said and I glare at him
"Eat first" I said with my authorities voice, no one dare to talk back. He shut his mouth with his frown face

"Eat first young master, you will not late" Tul said try to convince his lovely nephew, among us Tul is the one who my baby too much.

"Uncle, how is my driver?" He asked Tul
"Done, they are ready to go" Tul answered gulf
"Baby, you can go to me and Max" I said and everyone nodded only my baby shaking his head

"No, daddy. I don't want seek attention from other" he said stuff a spoon full of food in his mouth

"Baby, eat slowly no one will complain you if you were late" I said but he still put other spoon full in his mouth

"I'm full, can I go now" he asked, he is acting like a kid

"No. Finish it baby and eat properly or else I will not allowed you to leave the house" I said and whipping his mouth with mess.

Max is smiling with his evil face "Hmm, CEO's baby first day intern and his daddy treated him like his first day at kindergarten" he said and I send him a dead glare
"Do you need a nanny for your baby, daddy?" Max always a tease

"Shut up Max" I warned him, he like to ruin my mood

"Daddy, I really can't eat more, I'm so full" here my naughty baby. He is really concerned with the time now, I shook my head and hummed okay.

"Thank you daddy. I love you" he stood up from his seat quickly and run to the door

"Bye, daddy boss see you at company" he shouted from the door! What With daddy boss? I shook my head with his new endearment and Max Tul burst out laughing.

Other POV

Gulf arrived at company and headed straight to meeting room where the appointment for all intern to meet with Human Resources manager and other department manager.

HR manager giving them an orientation about company rule and some other information then appointed them to go through the department they are intern with, all of them will be swamped from one to other department but except one person only and you know who already cuz his daddy will not allowed him to work under other and get out of his sight.

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