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***Time skip***

I came out from bathroom walk to our walk in closet, I said our closet because my baby also some of his clothes here. Tonight I am going to Gala Dinner that invited by my business partner with Max. I checked myself again before leaving my room.
"Wow! Daddy so handsome" my baby boy come
"Thank baby" I said and walk to him "are you sure you don't want to go with daddy?" I asked him to go with me but refused.
"No daddy, I don't want to go. I will wait for daddy here" Gulf replied.
I want him to go with me because he rarely go out of mansion since I grounded him. My baby is very obedient, it's been 2years already that he studied online at home.
"Don't wait baby, I will come back late night" I told him. We get down together and I saw Max is waiting for me already.
"Let's go Max" I said when we reached down stair
"Yes. Let go, see you young master" Max said and get in passenger seat.
"Thank baby, I will go now" I said and peck on his forehead before get in backseat.

"Mew, have you been thinking about Mr.Ratree proposal? I think it's time for you to settle down" Max open the topic
"Max, I have no time to think of this nonsense" I told him
"I think you should try to get to know her Mew, if you still has no feelings for her, it's fine" Max said try to convince me to date Mr.Ratree daughter
"I said no is no Max. Don't ever talk about this again in front of Gulf" I said with serious tone.

Flash Back
" uncle, where is daddy? Why you come back alone?" Gulf asked Max when he arrived home
"Your daddy is go on date young master" Max answered
"What does it meant uncle?" Gulf asked again he don't understand what date meant.
"It's meant your daddy go to have dinner with beautiful lady, they will talking, asking each other questions and if they get along they will become lover" Max try to explain Gulf
"Like you and uncle Tul?" Gulf asked
"Yes, something like that" Max replied.
Tears fell down on his face and Gulf shouted to Max to bring to his daddy.
"Uncle, I want to go to daddy. Bring me there" Gulf crying and shouted, everyone in mansion come to living room when they heard Gulf shouted.
"What happened Max?" Tul come and asked
"Young master wants to go to Mew but Mew is on set up date" Max replied Tul
"Bring me to daddy or I will go by myself" Gulf said and running out
"Young master, you can't go a lone. Wait I will go with you" Max said and follow Gulf
"Don't cry young master, let me call Mew first" Max try to comfort Gulf

Max try to call Mew but he didn't answer his call. Max and Gulf arrived at restaurant, Gulf running fast to get inside. The restaurant is quite only few guests are there, Gulf look around and found Mew sitting at the corner facing to a lady.
"Daddy" Gulf shouted loudly when he saw Mew talking and smiling with that lady. Everyone looks at him, Mew was shocked to see his baby in sudden. Mew stood up and run to his baby.
"Baby, why are you here? Why are you crying?"
"Daddy stop loving me, daddy love that woman" Gulf said and running of restaurant. Mew was shocked with what his baby said and stay still for a while. When his soul come back he running follow his baby, he don't care about his date.
"Gulf get in car with Max and tell driver to drive back home" they leave without waiting for Mew, Gulf keep crying and mumbling what he said to Mew.

"Baby, open the door for daddy please" Mew knocked the door and asked Gulf to open the door but Gulf did not open.
"No I don't want to see daddy" Gulf shouted from other side.
"Baby, please. Baby, daddy sorry" Mew keep knocking the door and asked Gulf to open but it doesn't work.
"Mew, let him stay alone for a while. He will be fine soon" Max said and they both leave.
Gulf in the room is crying and crying till he fell asleep.

Tomorrow Mew come again but Gulf didn't open the door to talk with, Mew have to go to company because he has to attend many meetings today.

It was 2 o'clock when Mew finished meeting and he have time to seat in his office. He try to send call and send Gulf many messages but Gulf didn't reply or even read it. He decided call Tul.
"How is my baby now?" Mew asked when Tul picked up his call
"He still locked himself in room" Tul answered
"Did he eat lunch?" Mew asked
"No. He didn't eat breakfast and lunch, we try to console him to eat but he said to leave him alone" Tul said with worried in his tone
"Prepare his favorite, I will be home soon" Mew said and end the call.

Mew walk out of his office to Max office and told Max to cancel his meeting in this afternoon.

Mew arrived home very fast and running to Gulf room.
"Baby open the door for daddy" Mew said when he knocked on the door.
"Baby if you not open, I will break this door" still no sign from Gulf. Mew is worried and afraid that Gulf may do something that harm himself.
"Jenny, bring me the spare key" he shouted from Gulf room, Jenny quickly bring spare key to Mew.
Unlocked the door, Mew run in to see Gulf is sleeping in bed with dried tears on his face, his heart is broken when he see his baby like that.
"Baby, wake up baby" Mew call and spoon his body to his chest and hug him tightly. Gulf open his eyes slowly and see his daddy.
"Leave me alone, I don't want to see daddy" Gulf said and try to push Mew
"Baby please, daddy is sorry. Please don't angry with daddy" Mew hug him more tight and try to comfort Gulf.
"Daddy love you, only you baby. No one can replace you in my heart" Mew said and his tear fall down, this is the first time Mew cry
"Please baby, if you angry you can hit daddy but don't hate daddy, don't locked yourself like this. I can't see you like this" Both Mew and Gulf are crying and hugging each

After a while Gulf stop crying.
"Daddy didn't love that lady?" Gulf asked
"No never ever, I will not love someone else, daddy love baby only" Mew answered. Gulf get on Mew lap and kiss Mew lip, Mew was shocked but then returned his kiss. Gulf push Mew when he open his eyes and saw Tul and Jenny stood still at the door with mouth open widely. Gulf is shy and hide his face in Mew chest. Mew laughed out his heart when he saw his baby redden face.

"Baby, go freshen up and we will get down to eat something" Mew said and lifted Gulf to bathroom.

"Krist, could you make tuna salad and salmon steak for us?" Mew asked Krist
"Yes master, just a moment" Krist answered, bowed down and leave
"Daddy, I want to eat this" Gulf said
"Baby, I'm afraid that your favorite will upset your stomach cuz you didn't eat anything since morning" Mew really care about his baby. Gulf just pouted his lip.
"Come here baby" Mew said and pulled Gulf to seat on his lap, his hand caress Gulf tummy "you should get punish, you made this belly so flat"
"No daddy. I will eat more to make this belly bigger" Gulf protested

Krist served them food and they're eating while Gulf still on my lap.

End Flash back

"But Mew, Gulf is grown up now. He will understand is you explain him" Max is still want Mew to go on date.
"Max, I promised him that I will never date anybody" Mew said
"But It since two years ago Mew. Gulf will turn to 17yrs old next week and soon he will have girlfriend too" Max said and he earned dead glare from Mew.
"Gulf will never have girlfriend or boyfriend till he is 25yrs" Mew said
"What the fuck Mew! I have boyfriend since I was 16" Max said with freaking
"That is you asshol. Not my baby" Mew said and Max face palm.


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