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After the awkward conversation, Eren was silent most of the day. It became even worse when he had to see Mikasa in second period. Their seats were assigned right next to each other, and the tension was building. Eren counted down the seconds, only making time go slower.

"Eren." Mikasa softly said. The brunette didn't pay her any mind and kept staring at his textbook. "I'm sorry."

Of course, he wanted to forgive her, but she tried to kill Levi. It made his chest ache in a sickly way until the bell saved him. As Eren tried to run off, something in him made him stop and ask.


Mikasa bowed her head shamefully, "I told you, but you wouldn't listen. And you're not going to listen."

"Mikasa," Eren breathed and reached out to her. The tearful girl swatted his hand away.

"Eren, we shouldn't be friends anymore. Please, don't talk to me."

Even though Eren was the one to be mad at her, he still felt the sting of those words. He wistfully nodded and let the raven girl pass. Eren slowly walked to his third period, his bag weighing heavy on him from the invisible pressure. His eyes were dull as a wax statue's and left him just as empty. He entered into class and sat down.

"You look depressed." Levi pointed out nonchalantly. He was trying to keep his tough-guy act when he was in school, but he was genuinely concerned.

After a minute, Eren monotoned, "Mikasa spoke to me. We're not friends anymore."

"I should hope not." Levi scowled. "She tried to kill me."

Eren glared at him, but it didn't faze Levi at all. It was a battle of dominance in a way, and Levi would've died before he let anyone get the better of him. Sure, he made Mikasa do it, but in his twisted head, he believed she had a choice–believe him or don't.

"I know you think you're high and mighty, but can you have some sympathy?" Eren growled, getting the class's full attention. Nobody ever talked to Levi that way and got away with it.

The raven noticed and ticked his tongue in return while flipping everyone off. They went back to their own lives. The teacher announced that the students had the entire class period to work on any missing assignments. Basically, it meant Eren had a free day. Levi did have work to do, but he was in no mood to do it.

Eren tried to look busy by reading a book so he didn't have to talk to Levi. The boy was irritated with his friend for being so insensitive. But after a while, Levi couldn't handle it. He wanted to keep up the act, but he didn't want to hurt his love.

Secretly, when nobody was looking, he pulled Eren's shoulder back a little. Levi leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I apologize, Eren. I'll try not to do that again."

The raven sat back in his seat and laid his head on the desk. He shut his eyes, praying that Eren wouldn't be mad at him. It was fine for Eren to be mad at Levi, but it left Levi with an uneasy feeling. All of a sudden, he felt a hand softly lay on his head. Levi peered up at a smiling Eren.

"I guess that works for me," Eren whispered back, trying not to catch anyone's attention. Just as Eren tried to pull his hand away, Levi reached out and grabbed it.

"Can I?" Levi asked, sort of like a child.

Eren chuckled and intertwined their fingers together. The brunette reflected on how Levi once said that some people just need human touch, realizing this was a moment he needed. Eren saw the softer side of Levi nobody else was allowed to see. It made him feel special to have that one thing that no one else does. He watched how Levi stared at their hands peacefully. It was a moment that really stuck with Eren. It was that exact moment Eren found it impossible to hate Levi.

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