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Mikasa was relaxing in her living room watching the news. Of course, Petra's case came up.

"The Ral residence was suspiciously burned down. Police regret to say; this was a homicide." The reporter stated. "Sixteen-year-old Petra Ral and her parents have not been found as of last night. Theories are circulating that this is the work of a new serial killer."

The girl watched worriedly before her phone went off. She checked the contact, but it was from an unknown number. 

Mikasa sprung into a panic

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Mikasa sprung into a panic. She immediately wanted to tell her parents, but they would call the police. A lump form in her throat as she paused and glanced at her kitchen. 

Walking in and towards a drawer, she opened it. From the selection of knives, she chose the sharpest she had. 


Levi returned the phone in his pocket before shifting Armin into a more comfortable position. The blonde wasn't going to wake up for a while. Carefully, Levi crept down the pipe drain and snuck away from the Arlert residence. 

He made it back before Eren woke up, but he needed to think quickly to cover up how he got that bite. His head spun before coming up with a quick, easy solution. He raided his parents' liquor cabinets and grabbed a few almost empty bottles. He raced upstairs, scattered them around the bed, and messed up their hair. 

He slipped into the blankets and pulled Eren close. He rested his eyes for an hour until a stressed brunette shook him awake.

"Levi! Levi! Wake up!" Eren stressed. "What the hell happened?"

The shorter male sat up and rubbed his eyes. Levi croaked, "Did we fall asleep?"

"I think we did more than that."

Eren worriedly picked up a half-empty bottle of tequila and showed Levi. The raven blinked away a few tired tears and pretended as if he had no idea what his love was showing him. Eren jolted up and ran to the bathroom. 

Levi bit back a smile as Eren yelled, "Oh my God! Levi, you might wanna come look at this!"

"What?" Levi croaked out, feigning innocence. 

He walked in and saw a wide-eyed teen grazing the bite mark with his fingertips. Levi turned Eren towards him to get a better view. 

"Did I do that?" Levi acted, raising his brows. "Eren, I'm so sorry. I don't remember a thing. Does it hurt?"

The taller boy shrugged, "Kinda. Don't worry about it. I should be sorry. I'm the one that probably coaxed you into drinking. I don't remember anything either."

They both lightly chuckled and agreed to keep the secret between them. They returned to the room and quickly carried the bottles downstairs.

"Will your parents notice?" Eren fretted, handing Levi the last bottle to put up. 

The raven shook head and assured, "My parents are overseas right now. They might think it was my uncle."

Eren was completely shocked and confused by the whole situation. He didn't remember taking a single sip, but apparently, he drank enough to lose his memory. His head did hurt, but not a hangover hurt. Eren peered down at his watch.

"It's like 2:30 already!" Eren pointed out, rubbing the exhaustion from his eyes for the fifth time.

Levi felt the corners of his mouth tug. 

"Wanna go to the park to walk it off?" Levi suggested.


Mikasa adjusted her scarf. She leaned against a tree in the park, waiting for her victim. Her knife was hidden in her hoodie pocket. Just as scheduled, Levi appeared by the sidewalk around three, but Eren soon followed behind him. 

"Eren," Mikasa whispered to herself, "what are you doing with him?"

The two sat on the swings and chatted for a few minutes. The stealthy girl trailed back and forth between the trees, remaining unseen. She kept waiting for a moment to strike, but Eren seemed attached to Levi's hip. 

To the teen's relief, Eren gestured towards the bathroom. Levi nodded and watched him leave to the park bathrooms. She scanned the area and concluded that nobody was around. One heavy sigh, and she sprinted towards him. She raised the blade in the air above Levi.


Her heart dropped as fear spike through her. She didn't want to look up and stare your best friend in the eye.

Eren shouted, "Levi, behind you!"

The raven hopped up from the swing and backed away from the frozen killer. Mikasa glanced up and noticed the dark smile on Levi's face and furrowed her brow. Eren raced up and protectively stood in front of Levi.

"What the hell, Mikasa?" Eren growled. "What are you doing?"

"You just tried to fucking stab me!" Levi accused with a slender finger.

Mikasa couldn't find the words to defend herself. All she could get out was, "But...they have Armin."

Levi and Eren shared an unimpressed look. They started to back away from her, and she took a few more close steps. 

         "I know this sounds crazy, but I need to kill Levi!" Mikasa spluttered out, not noticing what she said. "Armin's life depends on it!"

Eren pulled Levi close to his side, earning a blush from the raven boy. Eren then nodded. 

"Hey, hey, hey. Ok, I believe you, Mika. Why don't we just try calling him?" Eren suggested, taking out his phone. He brought up Armin's contact and dialed it.

Levi was kind of on edge, hoping he didn't drug the blond too much. Mikasa was trembling with confusion and fear. The ringer rang once, then twice. 

"H-Hello?" Armin answered, sounding dazed. 

Mikasa dropped her weapon and ran up to the phone, earning a few backward steps from the two huddled teens. She immediately peppered the tired kid with trembling questions. 

"Armin? Are you ok? Who took you? Are you hurt? Where are you?"

"What?" Armin chuckled. "No, Mika, I just seemed to have slept in. Are you ok?"

"That's questionable." Levi chimed in. "You just tried to kill me."


Another one down!!

Be safe and wash your hands!!!


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