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It was around nine at night. A short shadow approached the Ral residence with murder on his mind. He wasn't sure how he was going to end Petra's life, but apparently, a knife or gun was too old school for his taste. There was one light on in the house—the kitchen.

Levi peered into the sliding glass door, and sure enough, the girl was there, sitting at the table reading a novel. He needed to be careful with his prey. On the table to her left was her phone. If he screwed up and gave her enough time, she could call the cops.

Looking through the eyes of Miss Ral, it was eerily calm. There was no danger scratching at the back of her mind. In fact, there was only one raven she was thinking of. Her mind was so busy she didn't even notice her sliding door open and a monster slipping in quietly. As slender hands prepared to claw out her flesh, she picked up her phone and dialed a number in.

It was a strange feeling to hear a buzzing ringtone from behind you. Even Levi froze as if to say, "Wait a minute." Petra swiveled her head around and gasped at the sight of Levi, dressed in all black and a sickening grin stretching from ear to ear.

"L-Levi? What are you doing here? H-How-" Petra spluttered out, standing abruptly from her chair.

"Look," Levi sighed, now taking a moment to turn his ringer up, "I'm not one to chat while I'm working."


Levi ticked his tongue, "So is it going to be fight or flight?"

The reality had set in for the helpless girl who stood paralyzed in her kitchen. With only a moment of hesitation, she took off towards the front door, phone in hand.

"Flight it is," sighed Levi as he placed his phone in his pocket.

As quick as a lightning strike, the raven barreled after her. Multiple heavy footsteps echoed behind Petra, causing her to let out a shrill scream. Her hand brushed the doorknob, but that flicker of hope died as Levi yanked her back into her dark living room.

There was a shatter that sounded as Petra's frail figure landed onto her glass coffee table. Shards of glass scattered along the carpet and a few in the girl's arm. Levi leaned on the door frame and squinted into the darkness.

"You know, I once heard that if your prey screams," he moved closer, "it means they know they're gonna die."

Petra's eyes widened in horror as her admiration for Levi disappeared. With quick thinking, she reached and grabbed the sharpest piece of glass. Her swift moves allowed her to slice it right through Levi's stomach.

The raven wasn't expecting her attack and doubled over in painful shock. Petra took her opportunity and booked it to her back kitchen door.

Levi remained on the ground for only a moment before standing and taking off again towards her. His paced slowed once he reached the back door because he looked down...and saw Petra's phone lying on the ground.

"Women," Levi scoffed. "They never make it in the movies."

Petra was in hysterics, hiding behind the tree in her backyard. There was a tall perimeter fence that wrapped around her house, so she couldn't jump it. All she was able to do was pray that maybe Levi would come to his senses. Unfortunately, that wasn't happening any time soon—not as long as Eren breathed.

She cautiously peered around the tree. The night was quiet, and the yard seemed empty. As irony would have it. Another ringtone went off behind her, followed by a "For fuck's sake!". Before she could react, a firm hand was over her mouth, pinning her to the tree.

Levi took one look at the contact and eagerly answered, giving his victim a warning glance to stay quiet. A voice muffled a hello through the phone.

"Hey, Eren!" Levi said, tucking his phone between his ear and shoulder.


"Sorry for bothering you so late." Eren apologized, serving in his spinny chair.

"Nah, I was probably going to be up for hours cleaning."

Eren placed a hand on his neck as he chuckled nervously, "Are you sure I'm not interrupting?"

Levi smiled on the other side of the phone at his crush. It was quite amusing to have his crush so oblivious. "No, I'm just...taking out the trash."

Before Eren could respond, Levi groaned in pain and cursed loudly. The brunette nearly fell off his chair.

"Levi, you good? What happened?" Eren asked worriedly. The raven took a moment to respond, "Oh, it's fine. A rat just bit me."

A faint voice echoed through the phone. "I thought you said you don't like to chat while you're working."

Eren recognized the voice immediately. "Is that Petra?"

He was positive that he had heard the girl's voice. Despite his sure attitude, Levi demurred, "No, no, no." A sharp cry from a girl was barely heard. "These dunks are passing by. So, did you need something?"

Levi was so quick to change the subject. It was suspicious, but Eren just thought he was just tired from the day. Shrugging off his worries, he mentioned, "Oh, you left your backpack here. If you wanna, you can come over and spend the night."


Levi's heart leaped sky-high before plummeting back down into his stomach. His stormy eyes scowled at the struggling girl below him, trying to crawl out from under his foot. Her attempts were futile and earned her another kick to the ribs.

"Eren, I'd love to, but I have to take care of something. Are you free tomorrow morning?" Levi wondered, examining the large gash running across his stomach. "How about we get breakfast?"

He had been able to keep blood from spilling everywhere, but it stung like hell. The large shard was firmly stabbed into him. Now, Petra's bite mark reddened between his thumb and index finger. His DNA was on her, meaning he'd have to hide the body too.

"That sounds great! See you tomorrow!" Eren beamed cheerily on the other side of the phone.

Levi ended the call and glowered down at the strawberry blonde who was slipping in and out of consciousness. With the broken coffee table, it's obvious this was a murder, so it was only logical that he made a show.

He picked her head up by the back of her hair. With rage and full power, Levi slammed her face into the tree. Again and again, he pounded her face into the rough trunk. The bark scratched at her cheeks and eyes, tearing chunks away.

Blood spilled everywhere and screams slowly ceased as her arms fell to her sides. Levi stopped and admired the gory mess he made of her. It wasn't enough. He leaned her head on one of the roots that stuck from the ground.

"Don't take this personally," Levi monotoned, "but you're too weak for me."

Placing his entire force in one direct attack, Levi raised his foot and brought it down on her neck. A loud crack reverberated off of the tall perimeter fence.


Levi rotated her body to make sure he had completed his goal. To no one's surprise, she was dead. Her face was mangled beyond recognition. Maybe he didn't have to worry about his DNA after all.

Levi straightened his coat collar, feeling accomplished.

"Levi, you've gotta be fucking kidding me!"


Dun, Dun, Duuuuuuuun!


Levi's first kill! Whoop Whoop!

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