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Eren was soaking every inch of touch, biting back loud moans. A hand slid up his forehead arm, pinning it above his head. Their fingers interlocked, but that was when Eren noticed something warm and slick. The smell of something metallic filled the air around him.

Jean's hand was more...slender than he had remembered. And the soft hum of a purr that came from on top of him sounded...deeper.

"W-Wait...Jean..." Eren huffed out, pulling his hand away. The figure ignored him and continued attacking his collar bone. "Your hand...why's it wet?"

As suddenly as they turned off, the lights cranked on, allowing Eren to look at his hand. All across his palm and fingertips was fresh blood lathered on his skin like a painting. Eren screamed, but a bloody hand covered his mouth. Raven hair pulled up into view, and a pair of manic eyes hidden behind the locks stared him up and down in a predatorial way.

"Damn, I thought we would at least have an hour." Levi sighed playfully, grabbing Eren's hands and pinning them down.

Levi was covered in blood, and it was clear he hadn't slept in days. He placed a kiss on Eren's forehead as the teen struggled beneath him.

"Don't scream, or else a lot more people will get hurt," Levi warned, removing his hand from Eren's mouth. His hand trailed down to the buttons on Eren's shirt.

"Did you kill Jean?" Eren practically yelled, trying to heave Levi off of him. It was no use. Levi had him pinned.

"No, he's asleep down there," Levi nodded his head towards the floor, "and I'm not gonna kill him. You are."

Eren's eyes widened as his struggling frame froze in fear. "N-No, I'm n-not. Levi, you can control who I can and can't love."

Levi leaned down and delicately placed a kiss on the trembling boy's jaw. He poured directly in his ear. "You can love who you want — They just won't be around for long."

"Get off of me! I hate you!" Eren growled. Levi did not like that.

With his free hand, Levi grabbed Eren's throat, starting to strangle him harshly. The teen below him writhed and gasped for air. Once Levi thought he learned his lesson, he let go.

"You know, you didn't seem to hate me a minute ago." Levi teased, admiring the new bruises around Eren's neck. "In fact, I had you moaning."

Levi moved their faces close together. Eren's cheeks lit up, making Levi feel satisfied. There was an aching pause before Levi taunted again.

"Face it, Eren, you love me whether I'm a murderer, a school bully, or just the misunderstood bad guy." Levi ran his thumb across Eren's cheek, smearing the thin red color. "You love my touch, my smell, my voice...my kiss."

Eren locked gazes with the raven, looking for the old Levi back. However, there never was 'the old Levi'. This psycho had been Levi the entire time; it's just now, his true self was showing. The worst part was, he was right. Eren was incredibly weak for him, but he had to fight the urges for his own morals. But Levi wasn't going to just let him go — he had to be smart.

The teen broke down in tears. "Okay, Okay, Okay! You win, Levi." The raven grinned. "I'll be yours. Just don't hurt anyone else. I'll follow only you, I promise."

Levi's grip loosened around Eren's wrists, but the teen had to be careful when to attack. He gave Levi his most longing stare. "I promise, I'll be good from now on. I won't run away anymore. I'll appreciate you like how you should be."

Levi let his wrists go and moved off of him, allowing him to sit up. Eren slid his hands around Levi's waist. Just as he thought, Levi had a gun with him.

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