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Everyone started leaving the party in fear for their own safety, but Berthold and Reiner were concerned for Hange. They moved against the flow of the crowd and made their way towards the backrooms. The mass panic completely cleared out the rooms.

A couple was running for the exit when Reiner stopped them. "What's going on? What was that sound?"

"We heard a gun at the end. We're out of here!" The couple then scampered out of sight.

Hange's scream echoed down the hall abruptly, sending the two boys down the hall at a full sprint. Their sneakers screeched as they stopped in front of the bloodied doorway.

Hange wrestled beneath Erwin, trying to shoot him, but Erwin managed to drive the knife into her shoulder again, causing her to let go of her weapon.

"Hange!" Berthold exploded as he lunged at the brute.

Erwin removed the knife from Hange's shoulder and swiped at him. The edge lacerated the right side of his face, just barely missing his eye. Reiner went running after him, but an unexpected blow to the back of his head knocked him cleanout.

Levi appeared around the corner, clearly pissed off with the noise Erwin let happen. A rusty crowbar, now stained with Reiner's blood, dangled in his grip. Hange was feebly crawling toward her gun, but Levi easily kicked it far away from her.

"Well, well, well. You got an equation to get you outta this one?" Levi snickered, staring down at the writhing girl smugly. He redirected his focus to the two brawling boys. "Erwin, will you hurry the fuck up? Everyone heard the gunshot, which means police are probably on their way."

Levi's phone chimed with a new message. He checked it and scoffed, "Damn, even Armin's doing better than you! He's got Mikasa, and he's on his way to the Fox Hole right now."

Berthold was fighting him off well, but Erwin had the better hand on the knife. Levi rolled his eyes and continued to taunt his rival below him, who was still struggling to get her weapon.

"Even you know now that you fucked up royally when you went against me." Levi stepped down on her back, causing her to wail in agony. "It's really hypocritical for you to argue ethics with me."

"I've...never killed...innocent people!" Hange grunted, trying to reach the pistol with her outstretched fingers. But it was barely grazing the tip of her fingers.

"There's no such thing as innocent people, Hange." Levi crouched down between her and her last chance of survival. "Erwin was supposed to tranquilize you with no fuss, but his anger got to him."

Levi sighed, pulling out a syringe. "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself. How annoying."

He jammed the needle into Hange's neck, sedating her instantly. The raven watched Erwin square Berthold in the face, but it seemed they equaled out in strength. Levi mumbled a curse under his breath.

The teen nonchalantly sauntered towards the two, rode the crowbar up, and brought it down across Berthold's skull. He crashed down to the floor next to Erwin.

Levi glowed at his accomplice. "Can you be helpful now? How the hell did you escape Hange with fighting strength like that."

"Pure luck, to be honest." Erwin wheezed, pulling himself off the floor.

"Well, get your shit together cause luck can only work once in a blue moon."

Levi swung his crowbar onto his shoulder, walking back towards Eren, who he had to leave waiting in the room.

Erwin clarified, "So, do you want me to bring those two or just kill them?"

"Just leave them and grab Hange. No way will they be able to remember anything. I need help carrying Jean, so grab shitty glasses, and let's go!"


Kenny sat patiently with his men outside, waiting for Levi and Erwin. Sasha, Marco, Zeke, and Connie were piled in the van, tied up and unconscious. Kenny thought that if Levi got what he wanted, he'd eventually calm down. And they were leaving tomorrow, so the backlash would affect them where they were going. He had to duck his head and push through the storm, praying that there was an end to Levi's love craze.

Kids were flocking to their vehicles, knowing that the gunshot meant the party was over. Police hadn't shown up yet; however, distant sirens caused Kenny to curse and start the engine. He drove around to the front, hoping the two boys would be there. They appeared after five agonizing minutes, Erwin carrying Hange and Jean on his shoulders and Levi carrying Eren's sleeping figure bridal style.

"About damn time! I hear sirens. Let's go!" Kenny ordered.

The teens hopped in, and the car sped off into the cape of darkness. Erwin piled the victims on the ever-growing mountain of kidnapped kids. Levi chuckled at how the back of the van started to look like corpse disposal. Police passed by, sirens wailing into action to catch a criminal. However, the criminal was already driving away with his love cradled in his arms.


Eren tried to force himself awake, but something was trapping him to sleep. It was dark, almost relaxing. He heard voices now and then, especially Levi's, and he felt a mass next to him at all times. There were sirens for a moment, but they weren't enough to fill him with hope. His senses fell in and out of consciousness, unable to consistently stay awake.

When he could slightly wake up again, he could've sworn he heard his mother's laughter. For a moment, he thought he was dead. Then he heard Armin talking in a cheerful tone. After a brief moment of silence, a different voice, but a familiar one, purred in his ear.

"Mon amour, it's time to wake up."


Not as long as the other ones but I thought I'd go ahead and continue posting to make up for all the time I was gone.

Follow my new Twitter to be updated and maybe even get insight on new chapters before they're posted! Orquidiea Writer or @OrquidieaWriter

What do you guys think will happen? Who's dead? Who's alive? Or maybe...Who's next?


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