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Levi snickered as Eren shouted in horror. Marco's corpse drop to its knees then to the floor with a loud thud. The shock was still spread across his face.

"What the hell?" Eren cried, attempting to shove Levi away from him.

Suddenly, Eren felt a small prick in his neck, and his arms started to grow heavy. Levi scooped him up before he fell, watching his struggling frame go limp. As Eren's eyes fluttered closed, Levi placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Well," Levi smirked, "that was exciting, wasn't it?"

Hange scowled at the raven as the feeling of defeat sunk in. Connie was sickened after watching Marco die, and Zeke felt a pang of gut for letting it happen. It wasn't his fault, but he felt, as the oldest, he was responsible.

"You're lucky you're my nephew," Kenny mumbled, shoving Zeke to one of his crew members.

"Yes, uncle, and I'm very grateful." Levi replied like a smug child. "Hey, at least I kept up my end if the bargin. No cops!"

One of Kenny's men shushed Levi, moving closer to the trapdoor. The room was quiet until the faint sound of sirens caught everyone's attention. Kenny raised a brow to Levi, and Levi argued, "We don't know if they're for us."

"I'm not taking a chance, let move out now!" Kenny ordered.

"Fine. I guess just kill them." Levi shrugged, nodding towards Kenny's men.

Carla interrupted, "Wait, not this one." She pointed to Zeke, who somewhat scowled at her.

Levi glanced over the guy, not liking the challenging stare he was sending to the raven. "What for?"

"I'll explain later when Eren wakes up." Her voice went soft as she finished, and Zeke felt a midge of sympathy for her.

Levi shrugged and allowed Zeke to live, Connie and Hange, on the other hand, Levi wanted them dead. Kenny's men started to close in around Connie, and Erwin tightened his grip on Hange, slowly suffocating her. Levi and Carla made their way to the trapdoor and climbed up, followed by Kenny who kept a gun to Zeke's back. Armin made his way up silently.

The deranged trio stood outside of the Fox Hole, waiting for their people to be done. Levi cradled Eren close to him, laying his head on the brunette's. Surprisingly, He was able to effortlessly hold Eren in his arms despite the size difference. Carla sighed happily.

"I know this may be a bit early, but what's your opinion on adopting kids?"


Hange's vision was spotty and her throat stung. As she dropped to the floor, she tried to get her fighting spirit back. The girl flicked her hand across the ground until she heard glass scraping. Her grip was weak, but she held the chuck of glass firmly, careful to not cut herself. Hange threw her arm back, and the shard of glass sliced into Erwin's right eye.

Erwin yelled and let Hange go. The girl coughed for a moment but quickly stood to her feet. The brute gripped his head, the shard still protruding from his eye socket. Bright red blood dripped onto his shirt.

"She's loose!" One of Kenny's men called.

Hange grinned at how they said 'she's loose' like a predator that escaped from their cage. She counted the men -- four in total. All were bruised but overall had a lot if fight left.

The first man lunged at her, welding a jagged dagger. She raised up a hand to dodge it and the blade drove through her left hand; however, she didn't scream. Instead she gave the man a creepy stare and smile.

The man was thrown off and disturbed, by Hange's gaze. It was almost sadistic. Suddenly, she kicked a low blow, and the man heaved over in pain, letting the knife go in the process. Hange yanked the knife from her palm and drug the edge across the man's neck.

The man's blood gushed out, and his eyes began rolling the back if his head. When he stopped wheezing, Hange threw him to the floor.

"And then there were three." Hange chirped, licking the blood from her palm.

Her intimidation and computer skills was widely know in the criminal community, but the reason she was truly powerful was because she was known for sickening human experimentation. The wide-eyed stare was somewhat natural to her psychotic personality.

Connie gained the confidence to snatch the metal bar from one and drive it across his face. He huffed, "Two."

The third darted at the boy with another type of blade, swiping for his face. Connie defended himself by swinging his full strength at the guys wrist. The knife went flying out of the man's grip, and his arm made a loud crunching sound.

The fourth went to help him, but Hange was two quick. She threw her dagger at the fourth, sinking it into his right leg. When he went down, Hange pounced on him like a lioness, scratching and clawing at his eyes and flesh. Connie and Hange were both too occupied to notice Erwin stand, ignoring the sharp pain.

However, before he was able to attack Hange, a sudden beer bottle crashed into the back if his head.


I wonder who hit Erwin since Hange and Connie were distracted🤔🤔🤔

It's confirmed, I'm gonna write a sequel to this. Please follow, comment, and vote! And share this to all of your friends! It would me the world to mean if I could reach 1K followers! And I'm already half way there!!!


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