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Eren's mind struggled to think through everything, but ever since he woke up with Hange, he's never felt safer. Then again, he felt that safety in the arms of Levi. His eyes glanced to his bandaged arm, then to Erwin, who was still fighting to get free. Both Eren and Erwin were battered by people they thought they could trust. The intensity of the situation began to overwhelm Eren, but he had to stay calm enough to speak.

"Levi, this is too much for me." Eren began to sob. "I-I was less s-scared for my life w-when my dad was around."

Levi's frustrated tone stammered back, "Eren, I promise you. No more violence...no more blood...no more jealousy. Just, please, come back."

Eren paused and listened to Levi's persuasive words. "Why don't we go back to how things were? Skipping lunch in the library and complaining about stupid people – just like we did not too long ago. W-Wouldn't you like that?"



"...there's no going back now."

The call ended, and the system didn't discover the location. Armin cursed under his breath before looking up at Levi, who had gone completely silent. The raven moved away from the desk, pinching the bridge of his nose. Suddenly, he started chuckling, small at first but slowly growing louder and more maniacal. Armin forced back his terrified face.

"What do we do now, sir?"

Levi looked towards his backpack with a sickening grin. As he made his way over, he affirmed, "Eren's right – there's no going back now." The raven pulled out a pair of gloves and a pocket knife. "So, do you prefer a gun or a knife, Arlert?"


Eren returned the phone to the desk, quietly trying to reconnect; however, his body was unbearably needy for pain. Suddenly, his arm twitched, but it wasn't enough to snap him back.

"E-Eren, come on! Hange's gonna be back soon," warned Erwin as he finally gave up struggling.

Eren looked towards the brute with a death glare, making Erwin freeze fearfully. His mind flashed to Levi's cold gaze and linked the empty irises together. Eren slowly stepped towards Erwin, expression absent from his face.

"I get it now – why he can't tempt you like everyone else." Erwin monotoned, knowing what Eren was doing. "You're just like him."

The brunette retrieved the cloth gag from the ground and pulled Erwin's head back. Without a word, he covered Erwin's mouth and kicked his form back into the closet. He couldn't feel his subconscious clawing at him, telling him it was wrong. His head jerked to the side, then his left shoulder.

"You're wrong, Erwin." Eren deadpanned, grabbing hold of the doorknob. "Levi gets revenge, but I wait for karma."

The door slammed shut, leaving Erwin in complete darkness to wallow in his own dark thoughts.


Marco was sort of on edge after talking with Hange.

Earlier, after Levi finished destroying Hange's computers and bashing Erwin's head in, she was left to clean up the mess. Marco and Connie tried to escape detention by taking the back way when they came across Hange mopping up blood. Of course, they jumped to conclusions, but after Hange explained how "Levi did it" and she "was being controlled by him," they were willing to help her.

Marco continuously insisted they go to the police, but Hange made the excuse of, "This situation has gone too far and needs to be handled personally." She also revealed how much power Levi had in the criminal society, which meant it was best to let sleeping dogs lie. Since Marco couldn't go to the police, he carried a taser with him everywhere he went, in case Levi decided to strike at him.

Once the bell rang for lunch, Marco waited to see if Levi would come to the cafeteria searching for Eren, but the raven didn't show. The teen snuck down towards the library where Levi usually hid. Upon entering the doors, the library was pitch black. Marco got an uneasy feeling and reached for his taser.

"H-Hello?" He called out, wondering if anyone was even there.

The teen crept over to the front library desk and peered over. Marco's blood ran cold as his eyes fell on the mangled corpse of the librarian. She had been stabbed to the point her throat was ripped open, and the look of terror was still stretched on her features.

Marco screamed and jumped back, only to catch a glimpse of Levi leaning against the door frame, Armin trembling behind him. Armin was clearly traumatized, but Levi seemed calmer than ever. Their gloves were stained red and in each of their hands were pocket knives dripping with blood.

"Hey, Marco," Levi firmly intoned. "Do me a favor."

The raven carefully removed one of his gloves and reached out towards a fire alarm switch. Marco's breath was uneven, watching how Levi glared him down. 

"Tell Eren to save me a dance."

Levi pulled the alarm down, sending a loud ringing through the halls of the school. Armin mouthed the words "I'm sorry" before Levi grabbed his wrist and raced down the hall and out the back door. Marco tried to chase after them, but the hallway began crowding with panicked students. 

When he finally pushed through the swarm and bust through the back door, Levi's car was already speeding out of sight. Marco cursed to himself before running towards the front of the school. He was the last one out of the school, and instead of staying, he left to the school's parking lot. The teachers called after him; however, they had to prioritize the other students. 

Marco got in his car and raced towards Hange's base, his heart pounding the entire way.


Levi pulled into a secluded area and killed his engine. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, carefully lighting it. After placing the lighter back, he took a drag and looked towards Armin. The blond was looking at his hands, trying to comprehend what he had done. 

"Jesus, breathe, Arlert." Levi scoffed, removing his key from the ignition. "Don't worry, it feels bad at first, but soon it'll feel like nothing."

Armin glanced his eyes over at the relaxed teen next to him. Levi rolled his eyes and muttered, "Let's go."

Armin wistfully stammered, "Where are we?"

"The Fox Hole," Levi answered. "We've got a party to plan."


I know it's a lot. Sorry for the multiple skips. So, What are we thinking? 


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