Chapter 1

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This story is purely mine. Any similarities to another story or show, or whatever is coincidentall and it is what it is.

Why me? And what happened to the girl who was assigned?" Clarke questioned as she looked at the pictures of the Lightbourn family. 

"She's in the hospital fighting for her life. Thanks to her we were able to get their identities and more. But the evidence was destroyed." Jaha sat back in his chair. "We had her, Lexa. I don't know how but she managed to stub Ontari right in front of us and the van with the evidence disappeared. That's why we had to let her go."

Clarke looked at Lexa's picture. She was just 23 years, how can someone be that ruthless.

Ontari had to fake being blonde just to get under the girl's skin. Its been two years since the mission was closed and it is shocking to know that Ontari has been in a coma for this long.

"So we have nothing on them?" 

"Actually we do, all we need is ontari to wake up so that we can act on her findings that she kept in a hiding place."

Clarke had to agree, these people needed to face justice and soon. she would always do what is right, her job comes first.

“Well I need I job, not a student or some easy job that I can be squeezed in. find me a Hospital to work in. And find someone really good to create my social media accounts look legit and papers that say that I have work experience as a doctor for four years now.

Jaha looked at her as if she grew a pair of heads. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands together.

“If you want this to work, everything must be different or they’ll see you coming. You fooled her once. She and her family will do a background search on whoever gets close to them.”

“I like your line of thinking. And you need to stop coming here. Your work of place will be the hospital. So we need files there from the time you stated working. Which was four years ago.

Clarke nodded, they were on the same page. She was already excited about this but not too excited because she hates having to pretend.

“Clarke I think I made the right choice. So starting today. You will no longer come down here. Get everything you need from your office, we need to start this operation as soon as possible because we’ve been chasing this goat far too long.” He pulled up a document that he handed over to Clarke who looked over the history of the mafia organization. “Apart from their personal profiles you might want to be updated what we are actually dealing with.”

“Alright sir, I’ll get on it. Any further questions I might have...”

“Don’t worry about that everything will be completed and discussed with you at a letter stage.

She got up and so did Jaha. “Thank you sir.” She said to him.

“Welcome on the team, you’ll meet the others later when we have a briefing.”

She nodded and didn’t worst time to head down to her office and pick up a few documents that she could bring home. Leaving her assistant in charge of her office. Nothing should leave her office without her permission.

A month later, Clarke is in her new home. Secured with CCTV and microphones, hidden Cameras in the entire apartment. She’s being frequenting at the hospital, making friends and letting a few undercover nurses know that they should spread the word of the new Doctor Griffin transferred from a different town.

The papers were ready and looked legit. Social media was left as it is. Fortunately Clarke usually post about food, flowers and sunsets. And herself. None of Bellamy who’s a cop and on her team and boyfriend. No pictures of her friends Raven, Octavia and Echo. All are FBI agents.

She was given a burner phone to communicate with Jaha and microphones that she would wear so that Murphy, Echo and Bellamy could hear her and would record the entire conversation she will have with suspicious individuals. There hope is Lexa. Also in case something unexpected happens, they would be there to act on it.

Bellamy didn’t mind her flirting with someone else knowing that Clarke does not like any of them but him.

So here she is standing outside the Coffee shop Lexa works. She’s in casual clothes because it’s a Saturday and she’s not working. Apparently she looks like she’s from the gym.

“Anytime Griffin.” Murphy exclaimed… she rolled her eyes and pushed the door open.

Thankfully there was no line. So she went up there and Lexa came into view. She didn’t even smile that broadly like other barristers. Her green eyes were focused on the guy on her left. She was chatting with him and listened to him tell a story about his date last night.

“Hi, how may I help you?” she asked in a sweet voice. Clarke had to admit, this woman was prettier than the photo they have.

“Uh…” what was she getting again? Eyes scanned the menu. “I want to try something new, what would you recommend apart from the regular black coffee.”

Lexa raised an eyebrow at her and sighed subtly but Clarke picked it up.

“Pick the first thing on the list.” She picked up a marker and was ready to write down Clarke’s name. “Name?”

This might be harder than she thought, Lexa didn’t even glance at her. Are they sure she as a weakness for blondes? She still smiled and gave it a thought before picking a Mocha with cream.

Lexa quickly pointed for where Clarke can take a seat as she spoke to another person. She actually smiled at this woman. A regular smile, Clarke supposed. She watched them exchange greetings.

“Clarke?” Lexa called. She stood up and went to get her coffee. When she got the cup it was written ‘Klarke’ so she looked back at Lexa and smiled thinking this was an opening for a conversation. “It’s spelled with a C and not a K.”

She watched as the lady blinked at her and moved to save another customer without another word.

Outside the coffee shop, she cursed under her breath.

“Ohhh sucks to suck,” Echo bursts out laughing.

“Shut up Echo, I’ll show you how this is done.”

The next time she came in, Clarke was in scrubs. Had to make it look like she’s a busy person. She had her hair tired in a bun. Very nice and neat.

This time Lexa was alone at the front desk. When she looked up. Something crossed her Green eyes. Something that encouraged Clarke that she was nailing this one.

“Hi, how may I help?” same formal polite question

"May I have regular coffee please." changing up orders might get the girl to notice her. Lexa did the usual and she waited as she watched the girl with professional eyes. honestly why would this pretty face be a criminal. she wondered.

"Coffee for Miss Clarke." without another glance Lexa moved out of her sight and went at the back.

Clarke sighed and went outside. she looked at the cup and it was written. 'CLARKE WITH A C' the letters were so tiny that's why she didn't notice.

"I'm back in the game." she said out louder to obviously Murphy who teases her about it.

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