Chapter 12

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Clarke how did you manage to nail her?” raven asks.

“Well she did shoot me and as you can tell” pointing at my still bruised head. The headache didn’t go away completely. Girl really hit me hard.

Echo smirks and hits my shoulder. “Good job Griffin, now we hope she stays locked up.”

“I did my job, let’s see if the lawyers will do theirs.” I said before leaving. I needed air to think.


I sat in the interrogation room for at least ten minutes before the door opened. It was our lawyer Titus. This man could find a needle in a sack.

“I don’t want any recordings in the room, if I find out our conversation leaves this room, I assure you this all place won’t be enough to stop me from suing all of you.” He said as he entered the room with one of the feds on his back.

He close the door behind him and sighs. “Do you know what you doing?” I just stare at him. We had gone over this already and during those times he tried to talk me out of it.

“Fine. You already know your charges, but they are including theft of the Diamond on the list because apparently she saw your face.” he sits down and folds his hands like a soccer game is about to come on. “Someone will come to ask you some questions, you already know the deal. What I want to know is are you going to accept the charges and let them drug you to court or are we going to make the statement right here?”

“I want her, I only talk with her and no one else. Tell them that.”

“Hope you know what you doing. Josephine is ready, only waiting for your word.” As he gets up and fixes his jacket I nob at him and he pulls the door open. Quickly stepping out.

I can hear muffled voices and soon there is silence.

Staring at my cuffed up wrist brings a smile to my face. She was so mad at me for this I didn’t think it would be much of a fight but i guess it only proves that she feels the same way about me.

The door opens and Clarke walks in with the man they call Jaha. Titus follows behind them and closes the door.

“We will be recording everything from now on.” Jaha says to me, then looks at Titus who comes to seat next to me. Clarke sits right in front of me I can’t help push my feet closer to hers. Her eyes glance up at me.

“Lexa Lightbourne, arrested for attempted murder, assault and armed robbery. Where were you on March 14th at 4pm to 6pm?” Jaha sounds like a parrot repeating their fucking lines.

I cock my head at Clarke, I hope they don’t think just because she’s in the room I’ll open my mouth.

There is a tiny smirk that only I seem to notice.

“I thought I made myself clear. She only talks to Miss Griffin.” Titus says. He may sound calm but this man is nothing but calm.

“March 14th. Could you tell us your exact location at the time?” I pretend to think about the question in mind. Clarke’s brow rises and I know she’s thinking of being anywhere but here.

“Um. I must say that is a very long time. Forgive me if I won’t be accurate but I think I was at the coffee shop, I probably left early so that I could see you but you never responded to my text or calls that day.” Her eyes hold nothing for me to read. “I may have walked around the block waiting but I’m sure you can use your technology and pinpoint my location.”

She chews her lip and I want to flip this table across the floor. “You visited Miss Ontari on two occasions, why was that?”

Titus sits up. Even Jaha’s eyes go off the roof, she’s trying to throw me off. “That wasn’t part of the charge?” Titus argues.

“Now it is,”

“Lexa you don’t need to answer.”

“Ontari was my girlfriend, didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to see her.” I said.

“Right, because you just happened to walk passed the security team without being seen. In fact how did you know she was there?”

“I didn’t say I was there.”

“So you saying you weren’t there?” oh she’s good.

“I didn’t say that either.”

“What exactly are you saying?”

“Unless I’m charged with something I did wrong, I don’t think I did anything wrong. Besides I thought I was here for assaulting you and…”

“Robbery.” Titus adds.

Jaha scoffs, he seems pissed off. “You can either cooperate with us or…”

“Or what?” Clarke leans back as she kicks my foot. “You don’t have anything, apart from your head bruise, which was self-defense. Other than that you have nothing.”



I knew that there was more to Lexa wanting to come here. She denied everything apart from attacking me and how dare she hint the fight we had in front of Jaha. Just glad he didn’t push fourth the matter.

Bellamy walked in with a bottle of wine a huge smile. With everything going on I keep forgetting his existence.

“You’ve been busy. Heard Lexa is locked up.”

“So it seems.” He frowns and sits on the edge of the table. “Bellamy I think we should stop this.”

“The mission, it was over when you went missing from the Hospital.”

“No, I meant us. I don’t want to keep lying to you.” He gets up and stands in front of the table. “Bellamy it’s over.”

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