Chapter 7

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Fixing my black gloves to finish up my outfit head over to mom on the desk. She to is in Black outfit, bottom line is that Black makes you invisible in the dark. That’s when we getting in.

“Josephine you ready?” she smirks then pulls her mask on. We all wear the same ones that cover our entire face, only leaving the eyes. “Born ready.”

“Now remember, be careful. Once you’re inside anything goes.” Diyoza said, hugging us before we stepped out of the building and got in the cars.

Thirty minutes’ walk away from the building we got off the cars and started walking there. This is to avoid any suspicions. Everything was quite, one can hear their own heartbeat. Josephine was already in her element chatting away to no one, because I can’t say I’m listening.

Once we arrived, we scanned the place for a few seconds before approaching the building from the back door. Josephine headed in the front, typical of her always having to make grand entrances.

The security guard in front was knocked down by Josephine, tied up and pulled out of sight.

Everything was going accordingly. I got inside and managed to sneak around the security guys I spotted on the way.

The Diamond was kept in a separate room, no one was supposed to be in it only alarms of all kind. Good thing I’ve worked with these before.

“Okay guys I’m in. Josephine you know what to do.”

“Why am I looking at a woman who doesn’t belong working late?” we had everyone who works here analyzed. Those who work overnight included, so hearing this was strange.

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Relax, I’m just checking her out.” She said. I called her back but she ignored me like most times.

Continuing my pursuit, I had alarms disabled without sweat which was weird, usually I’ll find some hidden traps but this was clear as day just minor. Odd for a rare stone.

Every step I took was making me sweat. Who knows what could pop out of these floors.

“Dad I’m bringing her home.” I said in an excited voice, I couldn’t even control the smile I had until I started checking the stone. The smile fell off my face. “it’s a fake.”

“What?” all three asked and then everything went dark. The entire building’s power went out.

“Josephine?” I called several times and there was no answer. Shit we were blocked. I dropped the stone backing off but stopped as movement caught my eye.

A freaking trap door.

I knew this was too simple. Only one person came out though. I couldn’t see properly though even with my eyes adjusting.

Within seconds I was on the floor. Kicked right in the stomach.


It’s Lexa no doubt. Her eyes are a dead giveaway and no one smells this good. I was hoping for someone else but no the universe had to test me.

My instincts kicked in the moment I heard about this, I knew they’d be watching the place hence a Trojan kind of act. We faked an event this afternoon, many people got in including the FBI. It was a risk because if they smelled something funny this wouldn’t be happening.

We can finally catch them and I return to my life.

Though my heart pains to do this to her.

She gets up slowly, throws her bag to the side and paces the place. She can’t see my face, unlike hers my mask is fully covering my face.

Her speed and foot work is impressive we go at it hard, kicking, punching and smashing the things in the room.

 It’s only when I fall to the ground that I realize I’m holding off a bit. Afraid to harm her pretty body.

Wasting no time, Lexa kicks me in the stomach hard sending me to the wall behind me. When she comes at me with force, I pull a gun on her.

Her body freezes and looks at the gun as I stand up. Instead of backing off, she pulls out a gun from her boot.

Now we are standing in the corner of the room, panting like dogs with guns pointing each other.

Does she know it’s me because I could have shot her when reaching for the gun?

“Put the gun down.” I say

After seconds of contemplating, she grunts out in pain. Now I know her background on the file. She was recently under the knife. Lexa holds the side of her ribs, slouching down. The gun falls on the ground with her and I kick it aside.

My heart beats so fast, I’m scared she’s hurt. Panic as me kneeling beside her and checking her out.

Then suddenly Lexa pushes me to the ground, my gun is in her hand and she pulls off the mask. I have a bloody mouth and I should be red from our previous activity. Her eyes give off nothing, the gun presses harder on my neck. Funny thing is I’m not afraid of her in this moment, holding my life over me.

With her other hand, she quickly gets rid of her mask, smashes her lips against me. While my body was frozen at the reaction my lips were fully kissing back.

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