Chapter 5

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The way I crave for her touch is scary. This is not me trying to trick her but a woman confused and in need of her kisses. Forget I’m an agent, tonight I just want to let myself feel all these electrifying feelings I’ve been hiding away.

“Lexa please…” I don’t even hear myself moan for her.

She gives exactly what I want taking me fast. I didn’t think I could wait for her clothes to come off because I’m in a robe, giving her easy access. Anyway this is just the first round.

“This is me getting you ready because I want when I truly fuck you.” She thrusts inside, “I’ll be the only thing in your mind.” Her thrusts picks up and I’m thrown off because damn I didn’t know that I needed her this badly. Her words turn me on even more.

“You like that don’t you?” it’s a rhetorical question but I nob either way. I want her to know just how much she’s making me feel. “I can’t wait to eat you up, your neighbors will come knocking seeing as these are thing walls.”

Lexa wasn’t wrong, every evening I could hear my neighbors, arguing or mostly just talking loudly. The thought of being heard electrifies my body, sending it into an after wave. Slowly she pulls out her fingers and stares at me.

With a lazy smile I crush our lips together. “Too many clothes.”

“Take them off.”

Her gaze itself, makes me wet. It’s like she’s staring at the sun and captivated that she can’t look away.


The next morning I wake up to Lexa between my legs. At first I thought I was dreaming. Opening my legs to give her access. Feeling her hot tongue tease my clit over and over. When my fingers curl in her hair, my eyes pop open.

“What a morning.”

“You like?” she says not stopping what she’s doing, sending vibrations to heat.

“Very.” Just then I know that I need to end things with Bellamy. I convince myself it’s not because of Lexa.

This is strictly my mission, I need to get under Lexa’s skin without any distractions. With how things are going I would say I’m doing a pretty damn good job.

“I could eat you all day.” She devoured me in ways I didn’t know was positive.

After our rounds were over, which included the shower. Lexa could not stop touching me. She would stare at me then dive on me like a dog on heat. Honestly she’s an animal in bed. Someone should have let me know.

I didn’t want to admit that the sex was better than what I had with Bellamy.

“I wish I didn’t have to go.” I said in a sexy sad voice. We were outside my complex about to separate.

“And who will save all those people in there?” she pulled me close and hugged me. Not rushing it but feeling every muscle twitch and flex. Hearing her breathe, heart raising up and down. This was more intimate than having sex.

“I hate you have a point.”

“Call me, okay?”  She pulled away and walked away to a Mercedes parked across the road. It’s strange how I have not seen her throw around her money. With the information on her background, she’s the typical preppy girl.

Its only when I reach the Hospital that I retrieve the ear piece from my bag.


“Welcome back blondie. How was your night?”

“That’s not even a question, did you not hear her.” Raven adds dramatic moans at the end.

I knew this would happen, with the amount of microphones in the house I bet they had a good show. Like those dramas on radio.

“Guys I was just faking. Is Ontari moved yet?”

“Yes.” Echo says holding off her laugh.

Good now I can see what she knows. I don’t believe Lexa’s visit to her was a coincidence. Something is off and I know Ontari must know something, no doubt about that.


“Ontari.” I say while checking the room. She’s still in bed rest but her brain is active and I need everything I can get. Walking around the room until I’m comfortable to sit in the couch.

She pulls herself up slightly. “You’re the agent working on my case.” She softly says.

I have to hold a laugh because this is a serious matter. She just woke up and asks about her case. Ignoring her question I decide to sip on my coffee. Doesn’t taste better than Lexa’s


“Why did Lexa visit you?” her eyes widen like a dear. Clearly she thought I’ll be running around in cycles.

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