Chapter 9

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Don’t know if I’m trying to convince him or myself.

“Will catch them sir, soon.”

I felt fine but didn’t want to go home and face my reality so when the Doctor checked on me I pretended to have some side effects from the stuff Lexa injected me with.

Since they don’t know what it was, they had no choice but to keep me.

The atmosphere changed in the room. It was probably midnight by now, it was quite for a long time apart from coughs here and there. This is the thing about me, no matter how deep in sleep I am, one slight noise and I’m awake.

So I can’t sleep, with all the sounds in this place.

But this is not why I’m awake though. it’s a different feel, like I’m being watched.

I chuckle at that thought, I’m alone in my room with officers outside 24/7 she wouldn’t dare.

“Glade you’re awake.” that voice said. My eyes remained closed “Thought I’d have to wake you myself.”

This is a dream. Lexa is not here.

The room is silent once again but I can feel her presence, there is no point for me to keep pretending when she knows.

Fuuuuck this girl

Tossing the blanket I sat up with so much energy, it’s a miracle I didn’t land on the floor.

“What?” I hissed in the dark, my eyes trying to adjust so I can see the intruder.

“Lazy much? Or do you just enjoy staying in Hospitals for no reason.”

Her figure came clear as she crossed her legs on the couch. Making herself comfortable.

“How did you get in?”

“Don’t you want to know why you’re alive.” She stood up and came to stand next to me, checking the monitors like she knows anything about it. “You’re lucky it’s for a few hours. Ontari on the other hand,”

“What do you mean?” by my calculations, Ontari was in a coma due to the wound that Lexa inflicted on her.

“That I should have shot you in the head the moment I had a chance.” She’s so close I can feel her breath on my lips as she leans over me. “How dare you come into my world and think you can erupt it?”

When I didn’t answer due to the shock, she grabbed my jaw roughly but her grip was gentle. How could I not have thought about it? I played right into her hands.

“I want to talk to you, so you better get out of this bed before I do it for you.”

What bullcrap is this?

I pushed her hand “who the hell do you think you are.”

“Oh baby, trust me you don’t want to know.” Even in the dark I could feel her smirk. “Your little files of me can’t comprehend.” She started walking out, stopped by the door. “Don’t be late.” And the door closed softly behind her.

Where was the officers on duty? This could have gone worse


This is crazy I don’t even know why I hadn’t told Jaha when I had a chance. Lexa could kill me.

I laughed at myself for thinking such ridiculous thing.

For some reason I trust the person actually shot. I still can’t believe it yet here I am. Standing in a dark alley with only Lexa in front of me holding a gun.

Did she bring me here to kill me? This is like Ontari part ll

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