Chapter 14

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The entire day I've been plotting our scenario. From the time Lexa appeared to the Hospital and someone knocking me out. They must have been close for me not to hear them sneaking up on me.

How did she get passed them? Why did they leave the post when they know not to leave both at the same time?


Shit, shit, shit

We have a mole.

That's the only reason it explains Ontari's visitor Lexa and why she's not saying anything. Ontari knows the mole.

Grabbing my jacket I rush out the door knocking into Echo outside. "Woo, blondie chill out." She says but I'm already running to the stairs. Taking two at a time.

When I get to the parking lot in the building Ontari is held up in my phone vibrates alerting of a text.

UNKNOWN: Don't do it.


Looking around the parking lot, no sign of anyone apart from a few surety team I spot from different locations.

Glancing down again I frown and shove it inside while getting another text. I ignore and continue my journey.

"Clarke?" Ontari says as if she knew I was coming. She eating her lunch. Makes me hungry, I haven't eaten since morning. And Lexa had me work that food out.

Walking across the room I take a sit and it hits me. Her smell, she was just here. The girl probably came straight here after she left.

But why though?

"Okay this is weird." She says. Putting her food away. "Should I be expecting you like every day now?"

If you keep seeing my girl, you'll see more than just me. Alright I need to focus, she's getting to my head and she's not even here.

"Who is it?"

"Who is who?" She sounding dumb right now and I'm not in the mood.

I get up and walk to the window. Staring at every building. The feeling of being watched climaxes. I ignored it in the parking lot but right now I feel exposed. "I don't have the energy to deal with your shit. Who is the mole?" she falls on her pillow relaxed. "You can deny it if you want to but I know you know. That's the reason you can't say anything. There is no evidence out there, shit, after what they did I wouldn't give them either." I turn around. "Um, on the second thought I would take them down the moment I can." Turning back to the window. I have all day for this. Jaha won't be notified until later when it seems out of normal.

The last part is not even convincing me. I mean Lexa literary forced me to bring her ass in cuffs.

"Blondie chill out."

That sounds familiar. Its not the words but more of how they said it.

My head is on fire with all the cards playing out right now.

Walking closer to the girl. "It's Echo." Her eyes widen just a second before pulling herself together but it's too late I saw it.

"Fuck!" running my hands in my hair as I try to see what to do next. How could we have missed this? "Fuck, I can't believe this. It explains the Hospital incident and why they are always a step ahead but always want to make it seem like they didn't see it coming. Shit!"

"You smatter than I thought." She smirks.

Stepping back. My phone vibrates and I pull it out.

UNKNOWN: Baby, why don't you ever listen?

That's the one I got in the parking lot.

UNKNOWN: Come outside I'm waiting for you.

Looking at the idiot on the bed I scoff because it's clear that Lexa is the one texting me. I leave without saying anything or asking because she won't say anything.

Echo. I thought she was loyal, headstrong and all that. Well she still is, just on the other team. Am I the only one to know this? Is she the only?

Getting into my car I pull out my phone and call Raven. I have to tell. Shit I've been keeping so much from her and now everything is a mess. What should I do with all this? I turn around to get something from the back.

"Ah!" Lexa is lying in there like it's her car. "What is wrong with you?"

"Hello? Clarke you okay?" Raven asks from the other side.

"Yeah, let me call you back." the girl still has her eyes closed. I just feel like kissing those lips.

Nope. Focus.

"Girl you sound crazy." I feel crazy. "Who you with?"

"Ray I'll explain later okay." Cutting the line quickly before she can add more convo.

"Lexa what the fuck?" she doesn't answer so I start to pull out. Once we in a free street. She jumps back in front. Changing the music channel like everything is just normal. Nothing is normal bro.

She is crazy.

"Why you pulling over?" it sounds so innocent like we were having a normal day. "Babe I thought we could grab some coffee on the way."

"How long as Echo been working for you?" her eyes glister. Smirking as she leans over. Forget I'm upset, she looking sexy and I can't resist her lips. The kiss starts out slow but hits up real quick.

"Okay stop."

"I missed you to baby." This is the wrong time to be cute. Though she's cute without even trying.


"Just playing. "She kisses my lips. "What you want to know?"


"A good agent." She stops there waiting for me to ask more and it's irritating me. I think she sees that I'm about to lose it because her face turns to serious.

I hate serious Lexa.

Serious Lexa is crazy. I'm sure she could plant a bomb with both our ass in it.

"You want me to tell you things you already know? I've always known you to be smart so think. Why would I tell you the rest of the stuff you haven't figured out yet?" her eyes hold me down. "So like I said. She's a good agent that you work with so well."

"If she's on your team why didn't she tell you about me?" because there is no way I was risking my life for games. Imagine if I didn't fall for Lexa or she killed me on the spot?

Her sigh fills the small room of the car. "That's not how it works. We not passing notes like it's in high school. After Ontari, we hardly thought the case would be open but that doesn't mean we didn't prepare for that opportunity. Echo worked hard to be exactly where she is, she got there on her own. She's a fighter and a strong soldier. I've know that woman since I was twelve at a boarding school in Iceland. So if her job requires for her to catch me then she's going to chase until otherwise."

I open my mouth.

"No that's enough from you unless you ready to fuck me good because none of this concerns you. Well, maybe."

Her phone vibrates and she only glances at the phone. "Your head is spinning but it won't even come close to why Ontari is...what would you call her? This isn't a river you can swim in but you can jump on the ship."

Before I acknowledge her hand, she's pulling me in. kissing me hard and then she's gone.

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