Chapter 3

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“How about we watch it right here because I’m so tired I can’t deal with distance nor do I want to dress up. Right now I just want to be in sweats.”

“Fine by me.”



The girl got us comfortable and had us watch a marathon of Friends. Which I appreciated because I needed to let loose. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but then Ontari was good at that as well.

She could be wrong and Clarke’s just a woman who happened to find me attractive, which wouldn’t be the first time if you ask me. However Lexa’s also aware that Clarke pulls her in. it’s a drive that she can’t explain.

Since the first time she walked in the café and ordered her coffee Lexa was star struck by her. It literary felt like magnet. Wanting to be near her and talk to her. Her blonde chopped hair with the lazy waves going on made her sing in the bathroom. Literary. When the girl left, Lexa smiled the entire time during her shift it was crazy. Later that night she decided to keep a distance from the girl. But it was impossible as she made it a habit.

Even with a serious face, Lexa observed the blonde and continued to crush on her even deeper. Its because of how she felt that she decided to really see things for what they are. Clarke could be an FBI agent out to get her, and if that’s the case then she’s doomed because Clarke has proven to be creeping under her skin.

When she and Josephine where caught raiding a car factory. Technically they were just checking how tight security was and to see what they would do if they approached the place. It worked to their advantage even though she got a nasty scar for that.

The police chased them until they had to split and abandon their car. With their masks on they couldn’t see their faces. One of the police, a female officer tackled Lexa into the wall. It was a close call. With one hand she hit the woman in the chest, she knocked her head hard against the wall and that was the chance she got to escape. The only place she could think of was Clarke. Lincoln was out of town, and the rest were not an option.

So here she is once again in Clarke’s apartment. The excuse was lame even Clarke should know that, the real reason Lexa was there is because Josephine is suspecting Clarke to be an agent and followed her today like a cat. Ever since she noticed her tiny smiles or day dreaming the woman went crazy in lecturing her about falling for the wrong person again.

Speaking of wrong people. Lexa paid a visit to Ontari. The feds must have thought it was a good hide out but she has been keeping an eye on Ontari and like she said before putting her in a coma. Only she has the power, as long as she’s immobilized. She needed to find out if the case is opened again. And only Ontari could find those answers for her. Once the girl awakes she’ll realize how powerful a lightbourne can be if they want to. In other words Ontari Is awake and will do as she says.

“I didn’t think this show was interesting.” Lexa said.

“Don’t insult me.”

“It looks old, aren’t they all old by now?”

“It’s a classic okay, this show made all these I don’t think we would know Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry if it weren’t for this show.”

“I like his character though, Chandler right? His jokes are so silly and yet funny.”

“I enjoy phoebe. Boy is she crazy and her timing is ridiculous.”

They laugh. Clarke gets up to refill their mugs with more coffee. While Lexa takes a quick glance at the puppy toy near the TV. Her eyes narrows looking deep in its eyes as if she can see the people inside of it.

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