Chapter 11

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“Crazy for you.”

She still wasn’t believing me. Her head shook from left to right. I knew it from the get go that Clarke wouldn’t have the balls to arrest me at least not by her.

“There isn’t enough evidence for you to be locked up.”

“You have everything to arrest me. Let’s start with me kidnapping you, drugging you and shot you.” I leaned against the bedside table crossing my arms. “No more excuses, if this will prove my feelings"

She shakes her head and falls back on the bed. “I don’t think I can do it.”

“It’s what you have wanted since the day we met.” I join her on the bed, laying on my back as we both stare at the ceiling. “There is no way you are giving up now. If this is the only way I can be with you then so be it.”

She looks at me those sweet Blue eyes. “I didn’t say I want to be with you.”

“I speak for the two of us.”

Her smile cracks into a laugh before attaching her lips with mine. It’s slow as if searching for something in the kiss. Searching for trust. And even if she doubts it, Clarke can trust me any time because I will never give up on her.

I have thought long and hard about this decision, just waited for the right moment.

She becomes more aggressive, when she slides on top of me. Her movements steels as she buries her head in the crock of my neck. “Are you alright?”

“Well you fucking hit me in the head, what do you think?” I smile and have her lying down as I make myself comfortable. Her eyes are closed and I want her to keep them that way.

This is for my baby.

Slowly her pants come off, she doesn’t protest but I can see a smile lingering at the corner of her mouth.

I cover her and place her head properly on the pillow then slid into the covers and settle between her legs kissing the inside of her thighs. Taking my time teasing her. My thumb presses hard on the bundle of nerves, kissing around her cunt.


She’s so foolish, I dare she give herself up like that. Now I can’t even think right with her between my legs kissing my pussy like it’s a freaking Cat.

I can’t believe I’m even thinking about this because all I wanted was to arrest her silly ass. Now facing the goal in the face, I can’t seem to picture it.

Lexa maybe a lot of things but mostly a thief. She stole my heart and I didn’t even notice. It should have been obvious when I dreamt of her kisses instead of my boyfriends.  All the times I craved her lips on my neck.

“Ahhh!” I moan. Her tongue feels so good. She’s opened me up wide and exposed the clit from its hood.

My breathing becomes heavy as she sucks me like a vacuum. Of course she’s so good at eating me out. I can’t believe Ontari got a test of this.

Maybe mine is different because it’s passionate and filled with so much our tongues can’t express. “Fuck Lexa,” this is cloud nine VIP at its best. The amount of care and concentration she’s putting into it will make me pass out.

I don’t even know what to hold on to because the sheets are not enough. Two fingers slid inside and my back aches from the bed. Her thrust are slow, I think I might have a second headache from the snail’s pace.


“Baby this is your moment.”

“Then fuck me…jeez.” I don’t think I have ever been this horny in my life. Have you had that feeling of just wanting to fuck like a Dog on heat?

Fuck my headache I want my girl.

When I try to rip the blanket off. Fingers curl inside, tongue aggressively flicks my clit and my eyes roll at the back. “Yesss” oh this feels so good. Damn I can’t believe I’m this happy to finally cum.

The blanket is thrown away from us and I pop my eyes open. She is wearing a fucking strap-on. Lexa pulls me down and dives in for the kiss. I couldn’t even make the size of it. I feel her thrusting at the entrance and I’m spinning out of control as Lexa breathes in my neck. One hand comes up to pull at my nipple rough and hard.

I’m so shocked I can’t register the scream I let out.


“How did you manage to bring her in?” Jaha asks confused “We were worried when they couldn’t find you in the hospital bed.”

“This is what we wanted, to bring the mob down. I remembered it was Lexa who kidnapped me from the hospital and thank goodness I’m even sitting here.”

He looks at me with skepticism.

“Everything we know can be slapped on her wrist. My cover is blown and there is no way they will fall for another agent you sent near them. What guarantee do you have that they won’t shoot whoever it is at the spot?” I can see I’m getting to him.

The mob has done several crimes but only a few have their mark, all are clean fast jobs. We may know it’s them by a few that testified, but other than that there is nothing incriminating them to any of the robberies.

The last time they went to court for stealing twenty BMW’s the prosecutors just embarrassed themselves because even with a camera footage showing them in the building they walked away free.

“We finally arrested one of them. You are right Griffin, Lexa is part of the Mob. At least we are going to make her pay. They’ll realize what’s at stake.” He said, shaking my hand with a huge smile.

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