Chapter 2

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Another day came. Same shop. I was in casual outfit. Hair tied in a bun, eyes on my phone scanning at nothing. Lexa approached me with her usual stoic expression.

“Morning and what can I get for you?” her voice low and sexy. Today her hair was tied in a bun.

“Mocha with cream.” I said trying to steer up that recollection.

“Not trying a new thing today?” her eyes locked with mine but had no smile to them.  She’s good. Lexa knows exactly what she’s doing by slowly pushing buttons and waiting for the reaction.

“Last time didn’t go as planned.” Letting it hang a little. “I think I’m starting to like it.” Clarke didn’t expect a smile, so when Lexa flashed her one. She almost dropped to her knees. The smile was a gift. Why she didn’t use it, it was beyond her knowledge.

“Take a seat.” Lexa started working her coffee and to her surprise, the woman brought the coffee directly to her.

Door opened.

“Hope it doesn’t change.” She said it slow and sexy. Maybe it was Clarke imagining her whispering nasty things to her but the look in her eyes said something else. Clarke was on the threshold.

Playing it cool, Clarke took the cup and smiled. “If the reason sticks, I won’t.” turning on her toes. She left the building feeling accomplished.

“Griffin, four stars for that.” Echo voiced in her ear.

“Are you nailing her tonight?” Bellamy joked. This must be hard for him but he knew when to be a professional.

“Now that we are at the door, we are going to take a break from this place. A week won’t be bad.” She concluded.

“That way she won’t suspect anything out of the ordinary. Plus give her something to think about.” Murphy added. Brilliant. The plan is simple, normal people feel nervous when their crush reacts positively to them and as a Doctor, sometimes work hours are too hectic, and there is no time for coffee.


A week and a half.

It was a rainy Saturday night. Clarke was watching Residents when a loud knock startled her from her comfort zone. She stared at the door. Not moving a sound. It was silent for a while before another loud thumbing continued.

Taking a breath in, she pulled the door open and Lexa almost fell forward. Glad her reflex caught her movement on time.

With shaky legs, Lexa held herself up and walked to the couch. “You’re a Doctor right?” She was wet from top to bottom. Hair disheveled. Her black outfit looked a mess. Someone would think she was chased by an elephant.

“Ah yes. What happened?” closing the door and thanking the open heavens that they never turn off the microphones. Which means the team is alerted. Wondering how Lexa knew where she stayed was the last thing on her mind when Lexa took off her jacket. “That doesn’t look good.” rushing to the bathroom and bringing out the aid-kit.

“I need your help.” Lexa spoke in hush whispers. Probably holding off from screaming her head out. The pain must be crazy. Sweat coating her forehead. Clarke stared at her for too long. Wishing to run her fingers…


Kneeling beside her. It looked like something sharp had gone through her shoulder blade. It looked deep. Blood was gushing out. Clearly she pulled whatever it was out.

“Ah…listen madam you need to go to the hospital.” Because it looked bad. She almost said Lexa but remembered the girl hadn’t given her name and even if she did. This situation deserves an award winning show.

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