Chapter 13

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"No, I meant us. I don't want to keep lying to you." He gets up and stands in front of the table. "Bellamy it's over."


"That's not important. I only know that I will be lying if I said I'm in love with you." He opened his mouth but was an able to speak as the door opened.

He takes the moment to walk out. "What's wrong with him?" Raven asks, coming to sit opposite me.

"I just broke up with him."

"Damn, now his surprise party will go to worst." She grabs the wine and opens it. "Are you alright?"

"Took you long enough if you ask me. Tell me this isn't about her though?" obviously I should want to know more about her statement but Bellamy is the last thing I want to cross my mind.

"She isn't." she gives a look. "She isn't. This is me realizing I haven't been in love with him for a long time now."

"Alright, it isn't the place for this. Ugh, Lexa got granted bail."

"I thought the judge was meant to hold off on that?"

"Beats me. I just want you to be careful, Ontari thought she had won to."

"I didn't win anything and I'm not Ontari."

"Just saying." Raven said giving me her serious look. "Because the judge just granted her bail."

That was fucked up. We had agreed the judge should hold off on it until she's in it a few days because we all know that her going to court doesn't mean anything because deep down we know how much power they have and that good lawyers can make anything go away.

"What?" will my head get back on track today, she knew this for sure. I stand up and Raven follows explaining everything that happened after the interrogation with Lexa.

Echo is on her toes in the matter and I feel at ease knowing everyone is in their heads to get Lexa and the mob down. This is the closest they've gone with the mob. They may have caught Lexa and with their underestimation she stabbed Ontari in front of them without anyone seeing anything to charge her with.

This however, was solid but bail made things flip. She could run and will never see her again. It's why they say trails are not won by clients but by lawyers and Lexa has a team of them on her side. The best of the best. I knew it won't hold, I told Lexa so this morning but I had to convince Jaha and others there is hope.

A few minutes and we hear commotion down the reception area. When we make our way there Josephine is standing front and center with her huge fur coat on. She takes off her sunglasses and glances at the security arguing with one of the men she came with.

"Listen boy, get us someone we can have an adult conversation with. I'm here to collect my sister Lexa Lightbourne." She scans the place like something smells. "And get some spray to get rid of that stench."

Raven steps up with a shit eating grin. "Miss, follow me." Josephine nobs to the man glaring at the security guard and leaves with a slight smile at Raven. She looks my way for only a second and I feel like something is going on.

The girl has only been here for a few hours and many of us wanted to see her sleep in jail in case prison won't work out.

I know something is going down. Felt it the moment Lexa told me that shit about doing the right thing. Girl is known to do the most and I can't believe I gave into this.

"Clarke, come with me." Jaha calls out as he heads to the elevator. Rolling my eyes, i walk with him inside chewing my lip.

"Whatever happens? You did well."

I'm chewing my lip aggressively waiting to be out of this space. When we reach the room Lexa is held up in. not a regular jail cell but over in the basement in a cubical cell. She's sitting while her sister paces the place waiting for us.

"Why is my client still in here?" one of the suits questions. Guessing one of the lawyers. Jaha gets into it with the lawyers trying to make a case when we both know nothing's going to hold her. Money talks to.

Her eyes glance up at me and I know before anything else that she's plotting something. Her mischievous glint shines so massively. It's annoying how cocky she is even in this situation.

Finally she's allowed to leave. She's handed a fur coat and I swear Lexa looks like lunch.

Josephine stands right in front of Jaha with a stupid smile. "Nice doing business with you." She says. Walking out behind her sister and the suits following behind them.

He slams his fist on the table as he watches them head to the elevator.

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