Chapter 6

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Soon she’ll understand why Jaha chose me for this. The sooner I can wrap up this the sooner I get back to my life and avoid Lexa’s claws digging deeper in my skin.

She clears her throat and sits up once more. “Straight to the point huh.” She’s uncomfortable and wants to buy herself time to think of a better answer. Hope her brain is not fogged to make this interesting.

I don’t respond, only keeping my gaze on her with my fingers crossed.

“I don’t know, she could have been there to kill me and I just happen to open my eyes.”

“Let me try and ask this in a way you can understand.” Her eyes scanned the floor before locking on mine. Great, her game face is on. “What did Lexa tell you as you opened your eyes and found the person who put you in the Hospital in the first place, standing over you?”

“What do you want me to say…” I cut her off quickly

“The truth for a start.”

“I was shocked, can’t remember much of that day.”

“Even one word will be enough, at least then you can sleep at ease knowing that she could pop up anytime.” Her body tensed. “Opps, that wouldn’t put you to sleep. I know I wouldn’t.”

“She said, something made her think about me. That she’ll keep an eye on me until she can forget I exist.”

Something felt off. She could be telling the truth but that would mean Lexa knows the case is active but why risk it though?

“Is that all?”

“You should watch out for her, I know she looks like the week link but that’s not the case.”

“Is there any evidence you stashed away because everything else was destroyed.”

“At the moment my head is all over the place, don’t think I could be of help a hundred percent.”

“She wouldn’t come here for a chit chat. Lexa is smarter than that.” I stood up and walked over to her bed. “I need to know what she told you.” Ontari just looked at me with an exhausted face. “Hope to see you soon.”



“I hope this creepiness as an expiring date.”

Hoping off the couch I head to the kitchen trying to keep my smile from spreading out. This girl is so much fun. Ontari needs to hurry things up because she will help with the game. Of course I know where they moved her, a high security Hospital infested the feds. They can move her to mars and I’ll still find her.

“Soon I’ll be back to normal.”

“Tell me about the merchandise. I was on the phone with the Italians and they want it in by next week.”

“Still in the works, whose diamond is it?”

She shrugs and starts to work out. Opening the door she turns. “Question is when are we getting it?” closes the door firmly behind her and I continue to make my snack.

This Diamond is a rare kind. If we must steal it then we go subtitle from inside out. I’ll need to monitor their security starting from today. I picked up my phone and called a few people to monitor the place. I want to know who goes in and who stays in, those who work there, I don’t care If I have to know their grandmother I need those details as soon as possible.

Those Italians don’t play, they request for complicated jobs and expect success or you pay with your life and I’m not ready to say good bye to Clarke yet.

What? Clarke?

I smile like crazy just thinking about her. I should call her and see what she’s up to. Probably planning her next move.


Clarke is in her scrubs drinking coffee as she walks to my car. I decided to bring her lunch.

Is she really a Doctor because she could give me a checkup anytime.

“what’s with the smile?” she said as her ass sat comfortably while closing the door.

“Thinking about you.” I decided to spin the ball for a second. “You don’t look like a Doctor, I just find it hard to believe you are one.” my serious face gave way to nothing. Her eyes searched for clues but came up empty.

“You calling me stupid?”

“You said it.” She slaps me on my shoulder and i break into a laugh. I pass her the food and I can’t stop staring at her. The way she chews is amazing, her hair, smile and eyes, everything on point.

“Stop it.”


“Staring, you haven’t even touched your food yet.”

“I want to remember every detail.” My fingers brushed her cheek, running fingers on her ear, gently sliding down her neck. “Memorizing your body.” I buried my nose in the crock of her neck, lips touching her sensitive spot.

“What are you doing to me?”


What are you doing is what I wonder myself.

This feeling in the pit of my stomach is not fake, I can’t help getting butterflies whenever she looks at me and showers me with attention what girl doesn’t love attention.

“Clarke I think…”

My phone loudly rang in the small space, cutting her off with what she wanted to say. She looked so serious I wonder what it is. When I check the caller id its Bellamy. Well I didn’t save him by his real name that would be ridiculous. But why would he call when he knows I’m with Lexa unless it’s important.

“Sorry” I hang up and put the phone on silence. “What were you going to say?”

“Ugh, it’s nothing. Finish up your break before you go back inside.”

Once inside my office I call Bellamy back. It happens to be important. A tip came through about a raid that will go down anytime soon. They didn’t give specific and no dates but they said the Black Diamond will be stolen soon.

This had the smell of Lightbourne all over it and we need to get ready. Since they want it, they’ll come to us.

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