Chapter 8

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With her other hand, she quickly gets rid of her mask, smashes her lips against me. While my body was frozen at the reaction my lips were fully kissing back.

“Now get up and show me where my Diamond is.” She whispered. Her hand moved over my breast, down around my waist and pulled the wire I had on me out of my pants. Her smirk melted my insides.

“You are wasting your time.” I say breathless trying to not think about the kiss. This is my job and Lexa is against everything I’ve trained for to be here.

“Really?” with quick movements I’m pulled on my feet. Gun still very much on my neck. “Will see about that.”

“When did you know?” apart from the kiss, it crossed my mind that Lexa wasn’t surprised it was me under the mask.

She just pushes me forward. We end up in the secret room. Unfortunately the Diamond is in this room because the owner refused to move it based on our assumptions. It was a miracle he even let me close to it.

“Show me where it is.”

“Lexa, you don’t have to do this there FBI agents around this place and would be in this room checking if I’m alright.” I try to reason with her.

Honestly I don’t know why but I do.


I know she won’t make this easy for me. Not with that look in her eyes. She rises to a challenge at all coast but I need that Diamond.

“The Diamond, Clarke!”

“I can’t give it to you.”

This girl.

“Clarke?” I warn her pointing the gun to her face. She glares at me and I feel like I should just kiss her feet and apologize for pointing a gun at her.

“Do whatever you want but I’m not helping you.” She steps forward, her forehead pressed against the gun.

If I stay and argue more they might catch me. And choosing to leave the stone behind, causes problems with the Italians.

While I’m drowning in my thoughts, Clarke hits me under my armpit. Thankfully because she could’ve broken my arm. A kick follows, sending me across the room.

Damn she gets those kicks in.

“Just turn yourself in,”

“I knew you were trying to fool me,” I get up angry. “I should have shot you in the head while I got the chance.”

Her eyes blink like a butterfly. Frowning, she didn’t think it was me because I texted her multiple times to cover my trucks.

Something catches my eye and it’s a loose picture frame next to me. Looking around the room, it’s the only stupid one on the wall. I rip it off the wall and surprise, there is a safe. This we anticipated. All I need to do is get Clarke out of my way. I have gone soft on her for too long.

I walk towards her. Stopping just in front of her. She looks ready for war.

“You shot at me?”

“I needed you to back off but here you are. Wish we had more time.” Clarke opens her mouth to say something but closes it as a sting prinks her thigh. She looks down and I’m pulling the injection away. “Sorry beautiful but work comes first.”

Her eyes are huge as she looks at me. “Don’t panic, just close your eyes and soon you will be awake. It’s safe I promise. Wouldn’t hurt you again.” I kiss her mouth as she closes her eyes.



Bright light. Who would flash it on my face like that? When I take a peek, Bellamy is talking to a Doctor, I see them leave and I shut my eyes. What happened? The raid, Lexa, Lexa…that girl is so pretty.

She put up a good fight, oh my goodness…nope, still recall nothing of what happened after we went into the room.

My eyes open wide. She shot me, knowing I was Clarke she still went ahead and shot me. But why visit Ontari then.

“Great, you’re awake.” Raven says.

“How long have I been out?”

“Well it’s in the morning now. How you feeling because they may need a few answers?”

“I’m fine and there is nothing to say. We fought until something was injected in me and nothing. Here I am.”

“Who was it?”

I shrug and close my eyes, feeling tired. Why I didn’t just tell her it was Lexa. Wait, did she make it?

“Did you catch anyone?”

“None important, only three of their people.” The door opens and Jaha enters the room. Raven walks out, giving us some privacy.

“Glad you’re alive Griffin, those animals need to be brought down. They took the diamond. Did you see any faces?”

“The person had a mask, we fought but unfortunately here I am with a foggy memory. Anything useful surfaces I’ll let you know sir.”

Don’t know if I’m trying to convince him or myself

“Will catch them sir, soon.”

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