Chapter 10

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Did she bring me here to kill me? This is like Ontari part ll

“Tell me Clarke, why shouldn’t I kill you this minute and be done with this Charade, once and for all?” she asked walking towards me and pointing the gun to my head.

My heart was beating faster by the minute I could pass out this instant. Lexa’s venom did nothing to scare me but elevate my hormones into insanity. Why couldn’t I just kick her ass? but then who knows if she as backup or something.

“I think you had plenty of chances to do that.”

“Fact, I was enjoying our little game though.” she says matter of fact. “But now I’m bored, so what’s it going to be,”

It was then I realized that if the rolls were reversed I would Let Lexa go. I didn’t have the stomach to shoot her but she’s crazy, if she already shot me once, I don’t want to bet on my life but something in me wants to challenge her.

“Go ahead and shoot.”

All I recall was her smirk before everything went black.


Light slaps on both my cheeks woke me up. The sharp pain behind my head had me guessing I was hit there. Which is what knocked me out. Lexa was leaning over me dressed in a white robe.

“Clarke? Hey, can you hear me?” she snapped her fingers to get my attention and I closed my eyes again, the pain shoot through me and I winced. “I need you to take these painkillers for your head.”

When I popped my eyes open, she was holding a glass of water. “Where am I?” ignoring me, Lexa helped me sit-up and handed me the pill and water.

She knocked me out. This girl is crazy.

“Hope your brain is coming on board because I need to talk to you about something.”

She stood up and walked out of the room. It gave me time to scan the place, it was her room. Pictures of Lexa and her sister hang on the walls and her smell was suffocating me. I could get turned on by this alone.

Okay clearly she hit my head hard.

A folder was placed on the side table as she came back. There was no smile on her face. “That’s your file.” She said. Her stare didn’t leave my face as I flipped through familiar details. “Bellamy?”

I looked up with a frown. “What about him?” she was irritated by the topic.

“Was anything between us real?” her eyes were digging through me. The question hand me flipped. I mean Lexa is an assignment, I mean was an assignment.

“What do you mean? You know the truth right.”

“Enough with the bullshit Clarke. Bellamy is an agent and your boyfriend which is understandable to why his okay with you kissing me because I guess that was the plan. To get me to lower my guard down but that didn’t happen.” She moved away from the bed. “That wasn’t just sex, so again I ask.” When she turned back to me, her eyes had caution in them. “Was anything real between us?”

“Lexa, I don’t know what you want me to say.” Only that I’m reminded to break up with Bellamy as soon as I see him.

“The truth dammit!”

“Truth?” I got off the bed, feeling a little dizzy but I ignored it. “The truth is that you and I will never be together because you’re a fucking criminal, I’m the person whose supposed to bring you in for justice.” My head was starting to pound. “Truth, my feelings come second after my job.”

“Then why didn’t you tell Jaha that I was the one who you fought with?”

“I don’t know.”


“I don’t know Lexa! A part of me wants to kill you and just bring your head to the bural and the other part wants to spend more time with you, just being by your side and watching you smile is enough.”


“But I have to do my job.”

A long silence passed between us.

“Arrest me then.”


She chuckled and sat back down, probably thinking I was playing. “Are you crazy?”

“Crazy for you.”

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