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After the fire and all of the drama about what had happened came out Yoonbum was left with conflicting feelings. He wanted to be free, live life how he had before except without the burden of his uncle of course but how could he? His love was stuck in the hospital, yes he was his abuser, his kidnapper but at the same time he couldn't help but yearn for him. For godsake he went out and bought an engagement ring for him, there were many days over the past months that he would slip into the hospital and desperately beg to see Sangwoo, and once allowed to his dearest would be asleep from the intense healing he had to go through from the fire having burned a lot of his body leaving him with large burn scars all about his body. At first when he had seen him like this he felt like puking he was so sick, he knew that he could've prevented this if he would have just helped him and not been a coward but he was going to make it up to him. Soon enough he had heard that Sangwoo was getting better, quickly in fact, already going to physical therapy sessions. Luckily though they hadn't shipped him off to any jail due to still technically being injured, he was more or less on bed rest in the hospital if he wasn't at his therapy sessions. Yoonbum decided that today would be the day, he planned to visit Sangwoo and discuss how he was going to get him out. As he sat on the bus waiting for the stop at the hospital his stomach did flips, his heart racing as he stared at his lap drifting in and out of his thoughts, what would Sangwoo say? What will he do? Will he hate him and want him dead or what? Will he even want to leave with him or would he rather rot in jail? So many thoughts rushed through him, he gulped a bit as he anxiously looked around feeling a bit paranoid although he tried desperately to come across as not. Once it was his stop he hurried to get off sighing softly as he tried to compose himself, he put his hood up and looked down as he went into the hospital and to the Front desk, luckily it was a different nurse than the last couple times he had come to visit the months earlier when Sangwoo was in more critical condition, he requested to see him and as before went through the routine of having to beg and plead and explain he was his only family, eventually he was granted access and told which room on what floor. As soon as he was given the information he needed he left, heading to Sangwoo's room. He stood outside of it for a good minute which felt like an eternity, his heart racing and stomach doing flips, he then forced his shaky hand to grab the handle and open the door going in. He braced himself for what he was to see and endure.

-Sangwoo heard the door open and he was no longer as bandaged up like he was before. Half his face was bandaged and that was the part that was burned.His left eye and down was bandaged up, his chest, legs and arms were also bandaged up. He was in a half sitting position on the bed while laying back too. He had things injected on his hands which were helping his recovery. He had his eye closed as he heard the door open, not sure who would ever visit him-

Yoonbum stared at Sangwoo from where he stood in the doorway, he noticed that Sangwoo was basically like a caged animal, confined to the bed by a handcuff on the arm that was the least harmed. He felt a jolt of guilt run through him as he saw the state he was in, he turned and shut the door but stayed where he was after putting down his hood, to be honest he was at a loss for words, what was he to say? Hello? How are you? Sangwoo seemed to almost be asleep due to having his eyes shut although his breathing from what he could only assume meant he was awake due to it not being as slow as it would be if he were to be asleep, he decided to say whatever came out of his mouth first. "I've missed you.." He spoke softly almost as if trying to make his voice small, he stood where he was seemingly tense and anxious which seemed to not be uncommon from all those times before when he knew he had done something that Sangwoo wouldn't be happy with or might not be happy with.

-Sangwo heard a familiar voice from the door and immediatly knew it was the boy. The boy who had burned him up. The boy who worked with that fucking cop who played smart and managed to hurt him bad and caught him. Sangwoo smirked slightly as it quickly turned into a straight face- "well played..." -He said in a low and raspy voice, too weak to talk much as he grunted in sudden anger as he pulled his left wrist but got stopped by the handcuff which made him hum as he licked his lip and took a deep reath as he looked over at Yoonbum with a wide eye since you could only see his right eye-

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