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-His eyes widened a bit seeing Yoonbum smile. Even after what he had just caused him, almost killing him, he still managed to put on such a smile. His hands gently went up to Yoonbum's cheeks as he cupped his small face in his big hands-
"dont smile like that... how can you smile like that after what i did.."
-He said and frowned a bit before putting his arms around Yoonbum's waist and back. He pulled him into a hug as he kept him on his lap-

Yoonbum couldn't help but smile, he was filled with so much happiness, he finally had Sangwoo back even if they were on the run now. They made it out of the hospital and that was a big enough jump as is, he looked into Sangwoo's eyes as the other cupped his face with his big hands, he brought his hands up and placed them tenderly over the other's. He could tell he had upset him in some way, his smile faded and his gaze fell, knowing he probably shouldn't be smiling, he should be afraid and upset. "I-I'm sorry.." He mumbled out softly, his hands moved down to fiddle with the bottom of his shirt. He felt almost ashamed for being fine with what Sangwoo had done, why wasn't he upset with him? He could have died and yet he was unbothered. As he was pulled into a hug his arms moved around the other, he hugged back gently and nuzzled against Sangwoo a bit, feeling so happy to have him with him outside of the hospital.

-While Sangwoo held Yoonbum close to himself, he stared into nothing. He didnt understand these weird feelings stirring up inside him. It was like guilt, shame, worry and.. love..? Huh. Sangwoo ignored this feelings, not wanting to label them since he never knew what they felt like and yo him it was a weakness. But as much as he thought it was dumb and weak, he still kept Yoonbum in his arms. They sat there in silence for atleast 10 minutes until the lights went out. His eyes widened as he gripped onto Yoonbum tightly and stood up, holding him up in his arms. He frantically looked around, thinking someone was there. The lights had just gone out but he was paranoid. So paranoid that he didnt let go of Yoonbum, nor did he care about the fact that his body was weak and got weaker when holding Yoonbum-

Yoonbum was silent as he was held, enjoying the embrace, starting to get a little sleepy in his grasp, the warmth and comfort Sangwoo provided him seeped into his mind causing his eyelids to subtly begin feeling heavy. He knew and recognized his feelings, he always had, even if he regretted it in the end. He began to doze off in the other's arms within those ten minutes, trying to helplessly fight sleep only to quickly be brought back to full consciousness as the other's grip tightened around him and he stood in reaction to the lights shutting off. To him, it wasn't unusual, he lived in not the best area and sometimes the power went out for the apartments, he was held in the other's arms, he looked up at Sangwoo. "Hey, it's okay.. the power goes out sometimes, it'll come back on soon..." He spoke in a soft reassuring tone as he held onto Sangwoo, nuzzling against him a bit as his eyes adjusted to the dark. "It's just me and you, I promise..." He spoke softly, moving up in his arms a bit, placing a gentle kiss on the other's cheek, he wanted to him to keep calm so he tried his best to reassure him of their safety.

-the silence broke when he heard Yoonbum comment on why the lights went out. He let out a shaky breath as he said so. He sighed in relief and listened to him as he gave Sangwoo a kiss. He looked away, these feelings... why did he feel comfort..? Why was he feeling so much comfort lately? He gave Yoonbum a nod in response and saw that he was tired. He slowly walked through the living room, careful with his steps so he wouldn't fall while Yoonbum was in his arms. It was pretty dark and his apartments didn't have many windows, until he found the bedroom. There was a big window so light shined inside the room, lighting it up. He looked around, spotting his bed in the corner followed by his nightstand. He walked over, placing the boy down on the bed. He was about to get in with him but stopped. He stepped back a bit, looked through the window again where they had the view of the road further away. He watched for a bit before shutting the curtains a bit. He then closed the bedroom door and walked ba k to the bed. He slowly sat down before laying down with a light grunt, his body aching. He took his hoodie off but kept the sweatpants on in case he had to get up later-
"it hurts.."
-He mumbled and sighed being annoyed over the pain as he stared at the ceiling, wrapping an arm around Yoonbum's waist, holding him close to his own body-

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