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-Sangwoo quickly walked down some flight of stairs but had to stop up a bit as the pain was starting to get to him. He groaned a bit as he decided to take a risk and step into the elevator. There were a few nurses here and there but he made sure to hide from them. He pressed the button to the first floor on the elevator as the doors closed. He sighed as he started at the door. He heard a sing which signaled that he had reached his floor and was abiut to leave when suddenly a nurse walked in. He gulped as he looked away and stepped out. The nurse was busy with her papers but looked up a bit confused to see a visitor here this early but brushed it off. He sighed in relief as the door shut behind him-
"I gotta get out.. quick.."
-He said as he gripped onto the strap of his bag. He made his way to the janitors room. He couldn't possibly use the front doors because it would be too risky. He walked towards the janitors and made sure to be careful with the few cameras in the hospital. He crept towards the janitors room, grabbed the handle and pushed the door open. He closed it behind himself and locked it as he looked around the room-
"Fuck.. shes heavy.. didnt even get to cut her up.."
-He said in a frustrated tone. He looked over to a window that was big enough to get through. He opened it and looked out. The window led right to the forest and away from the public. This was great. He pushed the bag through first before crawling through himself. It took a few minutes but he luckily got through as he quickly got up. He picked the bag up and walked into the forest, looking for a good spot deep within the woods to hide the body when suddenly a pain shot up his leg. He groaned as he fell down to his knees and dropped the bag next to him-
"Fuck.. fuck these fuckung wounds.."
-He groaned as his Byrne wounds were hurting by the friction beneath his feet and on his shoulders cause of the bag-

-He sat down for a bit to rest as his body ached when he suddenly remembered something. The phone. He had a phone in his bag that Yoonbum had given him so they could communicate. He reached his hand into the side pockets of the bag, thanking god when he felt the phone inside. He pulled it out and opened it, dialing the only number there which was Yoonbum's phone-
"Come on... pick up pick up pick up.. for fucks sakes Yoonbum.. "
-He mumbled annoyed as he heard beeps every few seconds, waiting for the other male to respond-

Yoonbum was utterly unaware of the struggles the other was going through, however, he was worried for him due to his wounds and not being used to such movement quite yet. He bit his lower lip, chewing at the soft skin of it as he watched the clock and door, however, after a few minutes had passed he shut his eyes only to quickly open them when a buzzing began to ring out into the silent room. He sat up a bit quickly, warranting a whimper of pain from the soreness in his bottom, he hurried to find the source and soon did, it being the flip phone in his pants pocket on the floor. He moved and quickly grabbed it, knowing only one number was on the phone, answering as quickly as he could press the accept button. "Y-Yes?" He stuttered out, heart racing as dread filled his stomach, feeling nervous as to why Sangwoo had to call, hoping nothing went wrong.

-Sangwoo heard the faint and small yes from the other male and sighed in relief that he had answered-
"Hey.. I think I overdid it.."
-He said and chuckled as he backed up to a tree, leaning his back against it with the bag next to him. He winced a bit as his back was hurting tigether with his legs-
"I'm in the forest.. I can see the hospital but not clearly so I dont think I'll stumble on someone... I just had to take a breather.."
-He said and then his eyes widened. Fuck. He forgot a shovel. How was he supposed to hide the body. He sighed and cursed under his breath-
"Fuck.. I forgot I would need a shovel.. I'll have to figure something else out Bum.."
-He said and sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair-

Yoonbum listened to the other and his heart sank slightly, he immediately moved out of bed, beginning to get dressed, ignoring the soreness in his bottom. "Okay, as long as you can't be seen.." He said as he tried to keep himself calm, he didn't want Sangwoo to be in pain, he knew he should have gone instead, he needed to leave anyways. "Can you come back or is that too much on you right now? I-I can handle the body, I can, please don't worry." He said as he didn't want Sangwoo to worry about such a thing if doing so would cause him to hurt and possibly mess with his wounds, he then thought for a moment. "Wait... why don't we just leave now?" He asked softly, "we can go on the run, now..." He suggested, thinking about how the other was already out of the hospital, sure they had planned on faking the others death by a mass fire in the hospital but.. they were so close to escape already.

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