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-Sangwoo was smiling as he cleaned Yoonbums face then his own. He was thinking about how lucky he was that the soda didn't get on his wounds cause that would have been a bitch. He looked up at Yoonbum when he heard him comment on his laugh. His eyes widened a bit and the back of his hand was quick to cover his mouth. He looked away and coughed a bit, clearing his throat in a way to distract himself-
"Ah.. you.. you think so..? Is it not weird or like bad?"
-He asked and looked back at him, his hand slowly dropping which showed a confused small smile. He grabbed the can of soda and took a proper sip from it before lifting it up to Yoonbum, eyeing the can and then him. Basically checking if Yoonbum wanted some soda without speaking to hear his answer. Sangwoos childhood was fucked, he never leaned about feelings or how to feel them and control them. He just new pain and anger. So these masks he always held up to look perfect for society made his problems worse because he lost himself more and more-

Yoonbum watched the male react to his comment and couldn't help but chuckle softly, he seemed so bashful, it wasn't necessarily common to see the other in such a state however when he did witness the more vulnerable bashful self of the one he viewed to be so strong and calculated, it reminded him he was human too. He made mistakes, he had his own issues, own self agony, his own life which he suffered through too. "Yes, I do.. no of course not, it's actually rather cute." He said sweetly, with Yoonbum it was easy to tell when he was lying, and of course, he wasn't. He was being honest, he looked back at the other, seeing as his hand moved down to show a small confused smile. He was happy when the theoretical masks slipped or cracked, revealing the real Sangwoo beneath, the real Sangwoo was childlike almost, probably a result of his childhood, however that wasn't much different from himself. Sangwoo could be silly and childish but also unable to handle his anger at times, being vulnerable in certain situations, unable to handle reality at times and revert to seeking comfort and reassurance. He soon gently took the soda once offered silently, taking a few small gulps before handing it back to the male.

-He chuckled and scoffed playfully when Yoonbum called his laugh cute. He playfully ruffled Bum's hair and smiled a bit-
"Don't you dare..~"
-He said in a teasing way, feeling just the slightest bit of embarrassment by his compliment but was playing it off as smoothly as possible. He felt relieved knowing he could be himself around Yoonbum, even though he didn't quite know who "himself" was. He took the can back and put it up on the nightstand so he wouldn't knock it over by accident with his leg. He looked down at the plate and started eating again, eating some od everything on the plate-
"Cmon eat now, don't want the food to be cold now do you?"
-He said and raised an eyebrow at him. Cold dinner wasn't the best in his opinion-

Yoonbum smiled as the other ruffled his hair a bit, raising a brow as he heard his teasing tone. "But it is! It's cute." He said with a slight tease to his words as well, he couldn't even tell the other was slightly embarrassed, instead thinking he just thought he was too cool to be referred to as cute in any sort of manner. Once the can was taken out of his hand and set down somewhere safely, he looked down at the plate, heating the other's words he nodded a bit. "No I don't.." He replied before beginning to eat some more of the food, being quite hungry, however, he was simply trying not to focus on how much he ate, just trying to mindlessly do so in order to finish his dinner without his anxiety keeping him from achieving such.

-He watched as Yoonbum was eating his food. He knew that Yoonbum had a difficult relationship with food hut he didnt really know what it was. He didn't have the bus to comment on it though, not yet at least-
"Salad salad, remember to eat some of the salad"
-He said as he pushed some salad over to the side of the plate closest to him. He was enjoying the food hut mostly the fried shrimp. He glanced our of the window, the weather being partly cloudy but with a beautiful blue sky-
"The weather is nice.. I can't wait till the day I can walk outside without much problem. I enjoy the sunset but haven't been able to see it since the incident.."
-He said, kinda of mumbling the last part since he missed the view of the sunset which he used to see quite often in his free time-

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