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Yoonbum slept peacefully as the other carried him, he was silent as he slept, breathing gentle as he occasionally nuzzlrd against the male a bit more seemingly for warmth. Once at the apartment however, he was unaware of the current issue at hand, although when sat down his eyes sleepily opened and he let our a soft whine only to nod a bit and shut his eyes again, leaning against the door as he slept. Of course everything that had just occurred was still in his sleep so he wouldn't remember, he stayed put obviously allowing for Sangwoo to look for the keys, he however was happily dreaming of whatever jumbled happy dreams clouded his mind for the moment. He shivered lightly from a bit of wind but simply cuddled into himself as a reaction, he was quite honestly very vulnerable in this state and was relying on Sangwoo to keep him safe and make sure he was alright while he slept as his body was too weak to even at the moment make him fully wake up.

-Sangwoo was only willing to walk to where you almost couldn't see Yoonbum anymore. He sighed and put his hands on his hips, thinking about what he was supposed to do. They couldn't go to a hotel since his face would get attention also the hotel was In the city. It wasn't a safe choice I'm their situation-
"I'll look for the keys first thing tomorrow..."
-He said as he walked back to the house, seeing Yoonbum just where he left him. He quietly and slowly walked up towards him and to the steps. He reached his hand out and caressed Bum's cheek-
"I'm back.. hm.."
-He had whispered. Even if Yoonbum wasn't awake or not he still talked to him just in case he hesrd the slightest-
"We'll have to sleep here tonight.. here.. let me move you a bit.. there.. I'll hold you warm.."
-He said while moving Yoonbum a bit to the side as he sat down next to him. He spread his legs and picked Yoonbum up gently, making sure to hold his head up as he placed him in between his legs. Yoonbum had on his hoodie and a jacket so he hoped he'd stay warm that way but since he still was quote skinny, it worried him that Yoonbum would freeze. So he took his own jacket off and wrapped it over Yoonbum as a blanket. He leaned back a bit as he wrapped his arms around Yoonbum who was leaning on him. Sangwoo had his upper body exposed now and was getting cold but was gonna fight through it. He kept his arms secure around Bum as he gently stroked his sides-
"try to sleep.."
-He whispered to him as he made sure to stay awake a little longer to make sure they were safe. He leaned his forehead on Bum's shoulder after wards to hide his face in case anyone saw them-

Yoonbum stayed sleeping blissfully unaware, although, when Sangwoo had made it back to him, unsurprisingly he hadn't really moved from where and how he had been place. However, once pulled into Sangwoo's lap more or less his back gently pressed against his chest, making a soft sleepy sound in reaction to being moved around a bit. If he had been awake to see this scene it was obvious he would have thrown a fit over Sangwoo exposing himself to the cold as he was since his anxiety over the male's health was only enhanced after they left the hospital due to the fact that if anything serious happens they won't be able to go to the doctors/hospital. Since he was asleep however, all he could do in this situation was enjoy the warmth and cuddle up slightly, now having Sangwoo's head rest on his shoulder to hide his face. He slept peacefully for some time, dreams pleasant, lately it seemed like they were always good. He had an inkling Sangwoo was to do with such, he just made his mind calm and secure feeling, helping to keep the bad thoughts and nightmares locked away.. at least for now. He would be out for a good 8 or so hours, getting quite the healthy amount of sleep before his mind couldn't take it anymore and forced him to begin to wake.

-As the night passed and the sun was back, just slightly over the horizon, Sangwoo still had his arms around Yoonbum. They were In the same position as they had fallen asleep in. Sangwoo had fallen asleep an hour or so after Yoonbum because he was paranoid of someone passing by and hurting him, but eventually sleep caught up to him. Sangwoo was the first one to wake up. He had not gotten the best sleep due to the cold night and had woken up multiple times that night. His eyes opened slowly as he lifted his head from Bum's shoulder. He let out a yawn as he looked down to see Yoonbum cuddled into him like a cat. He smiled a bit as he hugged him a bit tighter and adjusted him a bit on his lap, kissing his forehead. He sighed in relief as Yoonbum seemed to have a good sleep and didn't seem cold. He was worried he would be throughout the night but he wasn't showing any signs of it now. He then cane back to reality and the fact that he had to find the keys the house. He sighed as he didn't want to get up but eventually would have to since he didn't want to stay outside In the cold for more than he had to'

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