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Yoonbum snapped out of his thoughts as his gaze moved up to look at Sangwoo, being helped to his feet as the male had his arm around his waist. "Okay, thank you.." He replied as he smiled softly, being helped to the shower and in, he felt as Sangwoo's arm was pulling itself away and he nodded. "Yeah I think so.." He answered as he stood on his own, albeit it was sore in his pelvis causing him to not necessarily want to stand but he'd been through worse pain in his life so this he decided wasn't something he could whine about. He moved a bit slowly to grab a wash cloth, putting some bodywash on it as he started to wash his body. He was careful with himself but made sure to scrub and do the job properly.

-Sangwoo watched as the other was able to stand on his own and start washing himself. He himself did the same, using bodywash to scrub himself as well for awhile before rinsing himself off. He then looked at Yoonbum for a bit, a little smirk lurking on his lips-
"hey.. remember to get my cum out from you.. I'll be kind and help."
-He whispered teasingly as his arms wrapped around his waist, pulling the other close to his chest. His hands spread Bum's ass apart and trusted two fingers into him-
-He mumbled a bit to himself but it was as clear as day for Bum who was right there. He got to wash the other out and gently squeezed his ass with a low chuckle before letting him go-
"Aren't I helpful.."
-He said in a jokingly way as he had a cheeky smile om his face when looking at him-

Yoonbum didn't take long to finish cleaning his body, his gaze moved to Sangwoo as he felt his eyes on him, only to be met with a smirk which lurked deviously on the other's lips. He wondered what he was planning, before now listening to his whispered reminder and oh so kind offer, granted he had no say in it really. The man's arms wrapping around his waist until he was pulled against his chest, he let out a soft gasp as the fingers thrusted themselves inside of him. He bit his lower lip, cheeks easily growing to return to a shade of pink after having so diligently calmed down. Hearing Sangwoo's little comment made his heart throb, he loved hearing him say such sweet yet simplistic compliments quite honestly. He endured being washed out, not minding it of course especially with having Sangwoo help him as well as being the cause in the first place, once the fingers slipped out receiving a gentle squeeze to the ass following such, a low chuckle accompanying such actions. He looked at Sangwoo once let go, his cheeky smile paired with question made him raise a brow a bit as he couldn't help but smile, rolling his eyes slightly. "Mhm, very helpful, thank you.." He replied with his own playful tone as he moved to grab the shampoo to start washing his hair.

-He chuckled when he saw Yoonbum roll his eyes at him, loving the reply he got. He gently let go so that he coukd have space to wash his hair. Ssngwoo stood there for a second to think about what he needed to wash now. He had washed his body clean and was thinking about his hair but the bandages would be a problem. They were recently put on + it was difficult to wash his own hair, he usually had an assistant-
"I'll have to wash my hair in the sink or something later.. could you help me with it later?"
-He asked as he watched Yoonbum holding the shampoo in his hands-

Yoonbum poured some shampoo in his hands, listening to what the other said and he nodded a bit, "of course I can.." He answered sweetly before beginning to scrub the shampoo into his hair, doing so until it was all bubbly, he washed all the shampoo out then grabbed the conditioner and proceeded to repeat what he just did, this process didn't take long at all and now he was all cleaned up. This meant it was time for the long awaited bath, he looked up at Sangwoo with a excited eager look in his eyes, "bath time..?" He asked, he felt like a child but he couldn't help himself.

-He looked at him and smiled a bit seeing him all happy and excited for the bath. He nodded and crouched down, pushing a black cap into the drain so the water woukd stay. He then let the bath start filling with hot water, not too hot to hurt but just enough to probably ease them both. He let the water rise up and after some minutes stopped it-
"Ah so warm.."
-He said in a satisfied tone. He slowly crouched down again and sat down in the bathtub, leaning his back against the end furthest away from the tub spout. He then made sure to spread his legs and looked up at Yoonbum-
"Come sit.. the water feels great.."
-He said as he smiled a bit and looked to his side, spotting a round pastel colored ball. He reached for it and grabbed it in his right hand, whuch wasn't wet because he had not put his hands under water yet-
"What's this? A stress ball?"
-He asked as he looked at the so called bath bomb in his hand. He didn't know about them or what they were, never being that into routines when showering or taking a bath. He looked at it as he held onto it, his hand slowly going to squeeze it, thinking it was a stress ball of some sort-

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