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Yoonbum was focused in on the movie every step of the way, although he felt a little sleepy but not too much since he had gotten quite a bit of sleep earlier. His eyes stayed on the screen for a while until he made note of how relaxed the other was, it wasn't unusual of course, but he just felt a bit limp. His gaze moved to Sangwoo and realized he had fallen asleep, he studied his face, so peaceful and gentle, nothing plaguing his thoughts, no pain hidden in his eyes, nothing, just gentle peacefulness. He smiled softly, his gaze gentle and warm as he then grabbed the remote, making sure his movements were slow and soft so as not to disturb the other. He turned the TV off as the movie was coming to a close, the credits just starting up before the channel switched off. He yawned a bit as he then moved slowly to cuddle up to Sangwoo a bit more, pulling the blanket around his own body as well as draping it slightly over Sangwoo a bit more, keeping the other's hand on his thigh. He rested his head against him slightly as he shut his eyes delicately to try and force himself to sleep. The comforting warmth paired with the silence as well as the other's soft breathing helped lull him to sleep after about twenty minutes of his mind trying to battle it.

-As Sangwoo was asleep he could feel the petite body that could only be one person. Now half asleep his hand grabbed Yoonbums other leg and put it over his thigh again so that he loosely held around his legs before falling deeper in sleep-

-next morning-

-The sound of birds chirping and a few cars passing the house coukd be heard from outside. Sangwoo was now laying down on his back with Bum laying half way on top of him. Sangwoo was still asleep, trying to not wake up even though he faintly heard the birds-

Yoonbum during his process of falling asleep at this point felt the other pulling his other leg over his thigh, holding both of his legs on him, it made him smile softly before he finally drifted off to sleep.

In the morning Yoonbum stay asleep, peacefully cuddled up against Sangwoo a bit, being half way on top of him. However, due to having gotten so much sleep the day earlier he was being easily woken up by the birds loud chirping outside. His eyes fluttered open sleepily and he took a deep sleepy breath, moving a hand slowly to rub at his face a little until he looked around and spotted a still sleeping Sangwoo. He smiled softly as he gazed at his face, he hoped he could get at least a bit more sleep as he knew how noisy the birds were. He didn't dare move off of him in fear of waking him up, so instead stayed as he was, although, one of his hands moved ever so gently and rather slowly until it cupped the other's cheek softly, just for a moment. Before retreating back to it's original spot, today for him would be a busy one, he had to go to the bank and more or less be on the look out for the police, not wanting them to come unexpectedly although he had no real way of knowing when they'd come until they did.

-Sangwoo felt the lightest touch to his cheek while being asleep, lightly leaning into the touch until it disappeared. This didn't wake him up though. He stayed asleep for at least 30 more minutes and was slowly waking up by the birds chirping. His brows furrowed slightly as he let out a groan before turning around. He was now facing Bum and his arms instinctively wrapped around Bum's body and held onto him-
"loud birds.."
-He mumbled before slowly opening his eye  having to blink a few times to get used to the light before noticing he was hugging Yoonbum and noticing he too was awake-
"did I wake you up?"
-He asked in his groggy raspy voice since he had practically squeezed the other which woukd definitely wake someone up from their sleep-

Yoonbum lay quietly for the half an hour the other remained asleep, although he drifted in and out of a sleepy haze a bit. He soon heard the groan that the other had let out, his own eyes opening a bit as Sangwoo turned to face him, however immediately the other's arms moved around him and held onto him. He was pulled close now in a rather strong hold for one who seemed still in a state of sleep, he stayed quiet as Sangwoo mumbled about the birds. He cursed those damn birds in his mind, as they always woke him up too, he looked up towards Sangwoo a bit, noticing his eyes open. He smiled softly upon hearing the other's raspy groggy question, he replied in a soft gentle tone, "good morning.. no you did not, I already was awake..." Of course he technically wasn't lying, although Sangwoo definitely had squeezed him out of his slightly sleepy state, bringing him to be more or less fully awake.

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