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Yoonbum heard the snapping but dismissed it, acting as if he were too taken aback by the news he had been told to even care. He just nodded slightly as he listened to what the officer had to say, being helped and led to the table where he sat down. He tried to compose himself as he took some deep breaths and then took some sips of the water he had been given by one of the officers, he looked at the leader of the three. "I-I'm sorry.. I'm just so scared of him.." His voice sounded a bit shaky as he kept his gaze down a bit, at this moment he thought of Sangwoo, he hoped he had gotten on the roof safely somehow and was doing alright. He would do his best to get this questioning done as quickly as possible however, he didn't want to rush it too much to really convince them he was distraught over this news. He soon calmed down a bit more and looked at the leader once again, "what is it you need to know? I'll tell you anything to help find him.." He said with a slight quiver to his voice, his eyes were pleading almost, he forced himself to feel a sense of hopelessness and fear to really make sure that the police wouldn't be able to somehow detect he was lying, as he was a bit paranoid about such.

-The officer listened to the distraught man in front of him who seemed to be willing to give any answers to capture the man named Oh Sangwoo-
Police officer1: well it seems like you didn't know about this until now. And this question might seem ridiculous but we have to ask these. Is there any way he has been here, left hints of him being here or directly contacted you?
-The police asked as they gave him examples of other cases where victims have seem their kidnappers in public from far away, or maybe seen hand written notes or other subtle hints from their kidnappers/stalkers and so on. While the leader was explaining this to Yoonbum, the third guy who had gotten them the water was noting down different things I'm his notebook, probably wautubg to note down Yoonbums replies as well. The second guy had finished cleaning up and threw the shattered glass in the trash before slowly walking back and forth by the table, kind of just subtly looking around the house from the kitchen-

Yoonbum listened to the officer begin to talk and he shook his head immediately after hearing such a question, "no, I would have called the police by now if I suspected something like that or if I saw or got any contact from him whatsoever.." He answered as he looked at the other, he made note of what the other two officers were doing but tried not to pay too much mind to them as he didn't want to come off as suspicious in some way. He fiddled with the bottom of his sweater a bit, a bit anxious, although to them it could very well likely be due to the news he had just been delivered while in reality he was anxious over their presence as well as Sangwoo and if he was alright, he hoped he was okay, and he just wanted these officers to leave as quickly as possible.

-The officer nodded, understanding what he was saying as he listened to him. He asked a few more questions like if Sangwoo knew where he lived, if anyone close to him have commented if they have gotten subtle hints of Sangwoo and so on. Basically asking any question that could help them find out where he went-
Leader: another thing you should know is that the day Sangwoo disappeard from the hospital, a nurse also disappeard. There is no trace of her or Sangwoo. So we are not sure if she might have helped him or been killed. We have heard she was one of the main nurses who took care of him and spent the most time with him, so we do believe she might have something to do with this. But we are not sure.
-The police officers spoke, having no clue that they were so wrong about the situation of Sangwoos escape but that was just what Yoonbum and Sangwoo needed. For the police to be idiots-

Yoonbum answered each question, refusing that Sangwoo knew of where he lived or had been in contact whatsoever with anyone close to him. He then heard what the officer had to say about the nurse and he looked a bit surprised, "a nurse might have helped him..? I hope she's alright but.. what if they're working together? He can be charming in some sense when he wants to be.." He said softly, it pleased him to know that the officers weren't on the right track, they were idiots, it made him feel almost giddy, although, he tried to snuff out that feeling with instead a fear or anxiety so as to not act out of line. He couldn't wait to tell Sangwoo this news as he was sure he'd be pleased as well, he took another sip of his water. He wanted to ask how many questions they had left to go over or how much longer they would be there but also didn't want to come across as impatient.

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